house, church, tree

“So what do you think, Herbert?”

“It’s all I ever dreamed of, Baker Bloch. The house is perfect. Thank you so much (!).”

“You’re very welcome. I, um, assume April Mae will be following you soon.”

Herbert Gold hangs his head down, then up again, giving away his doubts. “I would assume.” If she ever gets over the Breeze lapse! he adds to himself. Maybe she will. It’s only virtual reality, after all. Nothing’s real. Is it?

“And this, my friend,” Baker waves his arms around, “is St. Merry’s Church. I’ve toned it down from Collagesity a bit. But you still have Merry.”

“Yes, I see.”

“And then you still have the clown over there. One and the same.”

“Sacrifices?” queried Herbert, knowing the history of the church in Collagesity.

“You bet! Bring your body apron if you sit on the first several rows.”

“Fantastic. I love it. I love it all. ”

“Let’s hope the Princess doesn’t have any complaints.”

“Why would she?” exclaims Herbert, not doubting his words. “Like you said before, the *tree* covers all; makes up for all mistakes.”

“Live Oak, right.”


Live Oak.

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