Category Archives: Washington

And then…

… Colorado to end, an enlargement from the past. ‘Nother one.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0317, collages 2d, GTA, Washington

00420316 (two straight shooters)

After he improbably made one himself (he didn’t have his glasses on for one thing) he went up to the board to take a closer look at the resulting hole. For a brief moment, he went “inside.”

“Ah, I think I see what you mean about the bullsear, Dragon. I think I see what you mean, heh.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0316, collages 2d, GTA, Washington


“Hucka D., there’s no doubt that this newer and truer Aisle of Palms in the same named town is connected to our Fal Mouth Moon animation. There’s even an equivalent of Steptoe Butte there in the background if we extend our draw distance to 512 and then shorten it back to 128 and take a photo before the landscape shortens again in turn. Mount Chinhae we can call it, after the sim it is situated on the lower end of. Sacred after this I would suppose.

“Fascinating. Keep it up.”

“The bar with the red rooftop to the left, like the dart in the collage is red tipped. Tipping allowed after all in the bar.”

“Tone it down a bit,” Hucka D. requested to this. “Focus on the *obvious*. What are we looking at?”

“Jack’s bar, obviously. (Bull’s) Ear for a target (name), but we had to settle on Bar since we couldn’t get the needed lights in the ‘B’ to stop functioning and turn it into an ‘E’ — shame.”

“We’ll work on it,” said Hucka D.

“So instead the dart turns into a cigarette or cigar which may be the same as a joint. This indicates that Jack is smoking hot. Icily cold later on. After the process is finished. The ear is removed from the side of the mountain revealing Lloyd the bartender for who is really is. The fuse on the bomb is lit. The color inverted VW, yellow at the beginning, speeds on to its destined destination.”

“Boomb! Bullsear!”

“Should be,” agreed Hucka D., already hatching more plans to make it so.

“What did you just call what you did, Dragon? Bulls-*what*?”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0315, Big Woods, collages 2d, GTA, Jeogeot, Washington


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0039, 0502, collages 2d, Colorado, Constantynople, Nautilus, Rank & File, Washington


Not yet (*sip*).

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0039, 0212, collages 2d, Constantynople, Nautilus, Rank & File, Washington

Frank *What*bert?

“See? Right at the beginning of Frank Albert Rd. in Fife: a (robed) Freman. This is suppose to be Frank *Herbert* Rd., and perhaps in the future it will be. If the descendants of Albert agree to it. And why shouldn’t they? With some kind of compensation. We’ve been in Tacoma before? I know we have,” she answers herself. “Proctor St., I believe. Another road, a foreshadowing. Don’t you think?”

There were no blue eyes, but the resonance was still unmistakable. Speaking of which…

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0027, 0317, Purden/Snowlands^, Sansara, Washington


He was dreaming again, hence the tie. “This is a little f-ed up,” he said to the woman nearby, who didn’t reply. No, he didn’t like this place. He had found a limit. Wendy would not be his daughter or something. He’d leave all that to Toothpick and Elberta and their Deep South ways (!). He’d have to talk to Eraserhead Man about this shoot, compare it to DaBob in that other production he worked in, the one less famous. Or was it more famous. Snap out of it, snap out of it! he cried inside while snapping his fingers, which, of course, passed through each other. Tarboo Bay, DaBob, The Twins… they were all together; all in on this. What does it mean? He better get Wendy to safety and out of the shiny light of revealing film while she’s still wearing that dress. He knows a guy who knows a guy in Snowlands who has a remote-ish cabin kind of tucked away in some small woods, getting smaller by the month but Barry DeBoy doesn’t know that in the present. He’d only find out about the deforestation of Purden in the future through a rogue Snowman gone good instead of the usual bad but still with a bad Santa, one called Satan, an obvious anagram (too obvious). The Snowman’s name is… well, let’s just wait. Regular readers of this here blog and derivative photo-novels probably already know the name. Let’s just make it the title of this here post.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0022, 0602, Hana Lei^^, Washington


Two realities were superimposing themselves on top of each other, inadvertently (perhaps) creating chaos and confusion. He simply didn’t know; he simply couldn’t understand. In the moment.

I’ve created the bare bones of a consignment store on my Rubi property not seen since the very beginning of this here photo-novel, number 22 in a series of 20. The first thing I decide on to fill out the 4 square emptiness is a Volvo station wagon, which definitely does *not* have two handles on its back door nosiree.

Let’s just prop it up outside for now against the building’s unfinished, plywood exterior.

Then I add another image inside that has become meaningful to me today: the collage characters I call Source (Male) and Lake (Female) — perhaps another version of Adam and Eve and the whole Apples story — *hiding* something. Like we are seeing through a wall into another dimension.

red dress

And since the Tacoma consignment store the impossible station wagon is driving by on N Proctor Ave in that first picture above is named Megs and Mo, I suppose Cassandra City’s Moes Bar is related somehow. The transparent Source and Lake image comes from M & M as well — very important there. More soon.

“Phil had the richest, most complicated sense of humor of the four of us,” said his Firesign Theatre partner David Ossman. “He loved what he called ‘the stupid’ and he could twist it into surreal pieces of head-beating comedy. His High School Lunch Menus, the Irish guy who taught how to paint like the insane, the Funny Names Club of America. He had the whole range. Bergman and Austin were really the Lennon and McCartney of the group.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0022, 0301, Heterocera, Rubi^, Washington

olde 02

Wheeler and Buster then wandered over to the town’s new power station.

“Look, it’s one of those *real* old timey computers, Buster. And there’s Rocky’s novel again. Looks like he might be finished.”

“Is Nancy alive or dead at the end? Can you tell?”

“Who’s ‘G’, Buster?” Wheeler asked in turn.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0005, 0109, Heterocera, Lapara^, Washington

Boos Overview 03

I’ve about decided to name the T-Town dominating the Boos collage settings Tungaska instead of Thornberry. It is phonetically closer to the actual name of the town. The Tungaska event is generally described as the effects of a meteor colliding with Earth, and considered the largest impact event in recorded history. Meteors are depicted in several collages of the series, for example, in “Boos Attach” (collage 14). The state of Tungaska in that photo makes it appear almost to be in ruins.


Or maybe it is Tungaske.

Anyway, when I looked up the Tungasaka event in wikipedia and went to the attached “Tungaska event in speculative fiction” link, I found this close conjunction of authors named Stephenson, seemingly unconnected to each other except for using the event as a plot device in one of their recent books. Neal Stephenson (misnamed in the article) is a famous sci fi/speculative author perhaps best known for the pioneering work “Snow Crash” from 1992. Charles Stephenson is an unknown writer in comparison. Both put forth different theories in their books about the cause of the event. Neither involve meteors.

In Seveneves: A Novel by Neil Stephenson (2015), after the Earth’s moon explodes in the first pages of the novel, it is suggested that a small speeding blackhole, such as was hypothesized (and disproven) to have caused the Tunguska event, caused the moon’s explosion.

Charles Stephenson’s 2013 novel The Face of OO culminates with the explosion over Siberia. In this story a hijacked airship, which is carrying a ‘divine weapon’ mentioned in the Indian great epic, the Mahabharata, explodes causing the massive blast.[1]

In the “Boos Attach” collage, 12 Oz Mouse’s head is pinned down by a meteor. But he’s okay. The meteor has landed, however. Umaps gives us additional clues, seemingly, about the impact (or “impach”), relating it perhaps to the “inch” measurement, for some reason. Inch, ounce, pound?


Another place we see the same cartoon meteor from 12 Oz mouse is the 6th collage of the series called “12 Pound Mouse Mound”…


12 Pound Mound is a terraforming anomaly in Nautilus City recently re-discovered (and newly named) by Baker Bloch. In the collage, the anomaly transforms into the new body or torso of 12 Oz Mouse himself, his head awaiting the impact of the meteor, per the accompanying video seen in this earlier post.

12 Lb Mound

So “Boos Attach” is a completion of the event first seen in the earlier collage “12 Pound Mouse Mound”: before and after pictures. The meteor has landed.

And with it, perhaps the (fictional name) Thornberry Tungaska Tungaske, Sask. is born.

The meteor gives birth to something new instead of destroying.


Filed under **VIRTUAL, Canada/Tungaska, collages 2d, MAPS, Nautilus, Nautilus City^, Washington