Daily Archives: January 11, 2024


“I came here looking for ship parts. Maybe even a whole ship. Instead I found an X. X marks the spot.”

“You’re in over your head,” she said back, the first female salvage related person he’d met. And the 1st person of color, period. She rezzed in to help, to be truthful. RDBH had the perfect angle for an opening shot. He didn’t want to mess it up.

“Or a spot marked by an X,” he changed the wording of his former sentence. Now that she had come he could look down.

Ah yes, a bunch of stuff named Mare: cigarettes, beer, ‘nother different kind of beer. “Why are you running an, er, eatery stand? Salvage person.”

“I have to make ends meet,” she said plainly, matter-of-factly. “Else how could I offer goofy looking scavengers like you such good prices, eh?”

RDBH looked over, took her in better. Pretty face. Jewels on head and body. Attractive. But the prices were still too expensive. More than one way to skin a cat? “What’s your name, dear?”

“Pearl. Black Pearl most call me. To differentiate from other types of pearls: grey, white, so on.”

“Black Pearl,” he parroted back, making the birds on his shoulders share a smile. He seemed to have heard the name before. But where?

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0041, 0509, Mountain Lake^, Omega^^


One needed parts and the other ran a salvage yard so it seemed these 2 characters pirated from other lands should get together.

“Flying ship, eh?” said one to the other. He turns. “What do you need? A propeller?”

“A crew, actually,” said Red Dead Beardy Head who we just met in that last post here, throwing a monkey wrench and all into our dialog. Building a space ship he is. Looks like a sea ship. Might be both. “I want to re-crew-t you.”

“Me?” Nick turns back to the bar, thinks about ordering another mug of Carribean White Rum from green haired Marcia with this. We’re from different lands, he ponders, *rival* lands. “You’re talking crossover here, you know.” He let the statement hang in the air, then: “You understand the consequences.”

“Yup.” One of the two parrots on his shoulders said, “Crossover, *squawk*” and the other said, “Consequences, *squawk*”.

The 3rd reddish parrot on the barrel beside him said nothing, biding his time. He was waiting for Nick’s 3rd line. It never came; Nick got up intending to leave this small parcel next to a road on the Corisca continent, never to return. Then he realized that Red Dead Beardy Head was the one who had to leave the property to properly end the scene, since he was the visitor. Embarrassed — turning red himself — he sat back down.

“Forget where you were, *who* you were?”


(to be continued?)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0041, 0508, Corsica, Storybrook^