Stuck in the mud, Arthur has finished his journey around the map of Our Red Dead Redemption 02, which took 5 1/2 hours time for him but much longer for me the author of this here blog, working my way through the chronicling Youtube video piece by piece, bit by bit over a 3 week period.  Side note: Arthur = Author?


Very curiously, here he looks directly at the site of another journey’s end. Right over there beside the smaller of two dead trees sticking up out of the water, with Arthur’s head smack between them in the above screen capture. Again this is precisely at the end of our 5 1/2 hour video.

We can zoom in on the location through another Youtube video created by Mr. Boss, an expert on the subject of All Things RDR2.


It’s a smaller wrecked boat with a partial human skeleton inside and, beside it, what’s identified by the game as a Broken Pirate Sword which you can take and then use to slash and cut your way through various close-up troubles you might subsequently encounter in-world if you wish.

Building up my own mythology, I have some theories about this. I believe the bones and sword here belonged to Jim Randolph the Bastard Pirate talked about several posts back. In this scenario, he survived the initial crash of his Humpty Dumpty ship on the Red Dead planet, then used this smaller boat to make his way up to these fairly nearby islands, not quite reaching the town of St. Dennis and potential safety (seen across the water in the first photo above) but almost. So close. Instead he seems to have succumbed to wounds already inflicted in the ship crash or else those coming afterwards, perhaps via an attack from one of the many local alligators laying about. There might also have been brain trauma involved, since he left behind his tricorn hat and also Aged Pirate Rum back in the ship. *No* pirate in his right mind would do this. Unless… hmm, maybe he didn’t *want* to be seen as a pirate. Maybe he was intending to enter St. Dennis in *disguise*. Many possibilities arise from this.

A map to end. Islets of Langerhans anyone?

And of course ribs as in rib cage are involved again.

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