Daily Archives: March 28, 2024


Why was I here poking around Bear Lake, PA? Because it happens to pop up as the only listing under the name Happy Town in our government’s Geographic Name Information System (GNIS) database. I came across an article here explaining the variant name’s history.


Ernest Miller’s Place Names in Warren County also refers to a “Happy Town” that was “a former small settlement located half in the borough of Bear Lake and half in Freehold Township; it is three-quarters of a mile east of the center of the village of Bear Lake.

“In earlier years, there were nine houses, a blacksmith shop, and an out-of-doors dance platform where Saturday-night dances were held. It is thought the location was named when a reveler remarked, ‘Oh, it’s a happy town on Saturday nights!’ A dirt road, known and marked as Happy Town Road, turns from the village location south where it meets Route 957.”

And the reason I was looking up Happy Town in this way in the first place is because it’s the name of a prominent location in Osamu Sato’s LSD Dream Emulator video game from 1998, basically forgotten shortly after its release in Japan but now an internet hit thanks to a Youtube fueled revival. Good ol’ Youtube — serving me well lately for uncovering gems of creativity. Happy Town is the most colorful of the 14 locations of the game, and one of the largest and most frequently visited and recalled. With its cheerful, vibrant nature, Happy Town presents the opposite of gloomy, perpetually dark and gray Violence District with its odd appearances of bloodied bodies and headless or hanged women. Then at some point I guess we should talk about the Gray Man, the most famous element of Sato’s game. According to the LSD Dream Emulator’s fandom wiki, Gray Man appears most often in Happy Town amongst the game’s locations. He’s been seen as the main antagonist of LSD, but some also put forth the theory that he’s instead its protagonist.

Happy Town description from the wiki:


Gray Man from the same:


Gray Man in Happy Town

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0403, Google Street View, LSD, Pennsylvania


A canoe tucked away in a small wooded area in Bear Lake, Pennsylvania. Nothing really that odd going on here on the surface, but what’s that black and white circular figure in the tree above it? Reminds me of a yin and yang symbol a bit.

And in the next Street View photo of the place moving west: why the blurred out part next to what is our best view of this canoe? This blurring effect is usually reserved in Street View for people encountered along the way, hmm.

Across the road, we get our first good gander at some queer looking objects offered for sale. Homemade art it seems.

And then, perhaps most mysteriously, what appears to be *figures* in the trees next to the canoe (and the blur) in the same panoramic shot. Let’s take a closer look…

Left to right, we have some kind of amorphous gray figure poking above the plants with a mouth and two eyes…

… then a cartoonish black and white figure (again!) with what could also be described as a mouth and 2 eyes, along with a prominent nose as I’m seeing it…

… then 3rdly a bird figure, it appears, holding something that looks like a bell (?) in its beak.

These 3 figures line up with each other across the bush from this angle and are evenly spaced along it as well.

With the exception of the bird, all are looking toward the canoe, which would be about 15 feet away from them here.

Better view of that handmade art.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0402, Google Street View, LSD, Pennsylvania

00420401 (Mr. Price)

“I-I don’t need someone t-to… guard it with his life, j-just… be around.”

“We’ll be waiting in the shadows,” his new client assured the owner of the bar. “Ready to strike when they make the wrong move. We’ll keep it clean here.”

“I like that. And if they *don’t* — they gotta pay the price.”

“Now you got it Dragon.” Points at Dragon. “Now you got it.”


“So what is this magazine you brought with you today, Baker Bloch? SecuroServ? Who’s that?”

“Let’s call it a… bleed-through from another reality. One important to know about, Wheeler.”

“He’ll probably be showing up soon,” he added. “To secure… and soive — just a warning.” He picks up the magazine from the counter and hands it directly to her. “Being the manager of this here bar, I’d recommend studying up.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0401, Big Woods, GTA, Jeogeot

And then…

… Colorado to end, an enlargement from the past. ‘Nother one.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0317, collages 2d, GTA, Washington