00430110 (paying the Price)

“Oh, before I forget, Lexi, I want you to do me a favor.” He pulled out a small black disk from his black jean pants and handed it to her. “I want you to help me analyze this thing.”

“A brain-daze? What happened, boss, the girlfriend get up and leave you all of a sudden, ha?”

“No no not that kind of brain-daze. Surveillance. Stalking actually, as it turned out. Blue haired dame. May even know her. That pop star Blue Moon Kentucky. Last seen near the dam… remember?”

“Of course I know BM Kentucky.” She eyed it more keenly. “W-where’d you get it?”

“Never mind you that,” replied the boss.

“Oh but it’s important. Could be a virus.”

“It’s from a reputable source, (then). Guy named Daydreamer Gaming.”

“Mhm hmm, I’ve heard of him. Creates tours of Nightsity for visitors who don’t have powerful enough computers to visit in person. Didn’t know he worked with stalkers.”

“I don’t think he knew he was. Accident, we’ll say. The dam is an odd place. People claim it can warp space-time, make you see things that aren’t really there. Maybe someone happened to get inside a glitch?”

“Who tipped you off?”

Should Edward say, “Blue Moon herself”? Too early, he deemed. “A fan,” he said instead. “Someone who wants to see justice done.”

Lexi wondered: Blue Moon fan or Starz and Stipperz? knowing she went solo about 5 years ago. But decided it was irrelevant. Could be both of course. Later, she wished she’d asked this very thing. Turned out to be relevant as all get out. Because the “stalker” was now a fan of only one album, one song really, and it was indeed from her solo period. Single named “Keep on Shining.” The one that brought her back to life.


“Okay, just lay back and relax and study everything you see. Okay, not *that* laid back. Sit up a bit.

“I’ll turn on the machine from my end. Ready? Sit up a bit more please, boss (which he does). Okay, here goes…”


“WHOA, get me out of here, Lexi, get me out of here! It’s *him*, it’s HIM.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0110, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity

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