Clarence spied something that really got him excited. Bootleg VHS Tapes, he pondered, looking more in the distance than what one might expect, someone like De Boy for instance. That must mean there’s old time users around. He’d ask the girl. But first, down to the business that brought him here.

“Would you like to be a model, dearest? Aisle of Palms has an opening.”


“Found him,” she said to Clara Bellissaria, a name mispelled on purpose. Because she was a spy too, the first found.

Clarence and Clara, yes. Makes sense now, Fern thought. Father and child. Fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, and so on.

“Come on, Lichen, let’s go,” Fern said, seeing Clarence move with Redd toward the tapes in the game within a game. “We need to have a word with this *model*.”


From the northeast and one floor up, old time user Martha spies Clarence + Redd + Tape Girl from between 2 bushes to angle a whole ‘nother level into our story.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0115, Big Woods, Hana Lei^^, Jeogeot, Nightsity

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