Tag Archives: Greg Moon^*++++++


“I get it now Wheeler. There’s a boat here on the mountain. Hence: Boat Mountain.”

“Also known as Mountain of Boat or Mount Boat,” added Wheeler for Newt, perhaps a hubby, perhaps not.

“Okay, cool. So that’s done.”

“It is.”

Newt looks around. “Nice view up here. Let’s go sit on that bench we passed and enjoy the mountain air for a while.”

“Okay. But we have to get back home before Indie Cartoon Night. Starting at 7.” They begin walking toward the bench just over the top.

“Amazing Digital Circus, Episode 2. I’ve heard,” he speaks while being careful about the rocks.

“I’ve previewed it for us. Don’t expect it to be the same as the first. I *know* you’ll be disappointed. I just know it.”

“Maybe not — but thanks for preparing me anyway.” Reaching the bench they sit down.

“What’s this one about?” he asks. “Abstracting again?”

“In part,” answers Wheeler, not wanting to give away too much. “More action — I know you like action in your animation,” she jokes. Newt dislikes most action scenes; thinks they’re superfluous to a character driven plot.

“Aah, I see.”

“And there’s some backroom stuff,” she countered, knowing that would please him. “And that’s *all* I’m going to say.” She pats him on the knee after checking the time on her phone. “6:25 now. Better head back, actually.”

Newt takes one last look around. “I was hoping we could see Millbank from this vantage point. Maybe a little too far away here.”

“There,” points Wheeler. “I think those black trees sticking up may be part of it.”

“Amazing the Halloween village is still there. Last year it was taken down in maybe November or something.”

“Just for you my dear.” She pats his knee again. “To keep you happy.”


They had just settled into the comfy couch after turning on the TV when the doorbell rang. But it was all part of the plan, the act.

“M & M Lawn Care here!” the taller of the two shouted through the door. “Lawn maintenance at your service!”


put to work

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0613, ADC, Ashton Village, Back Rooms, Bellisaria


So Newt/Baker Bloch started looking around the various shops spread across the twisty-turny alleyways of Kowloon’s Gate city in search of the “Greg” avatar Mr. Moon used as the star of his fabled “Ticket to Hell” movie about the pitfalls of Our Second Lyfe. He purchased a cheap Mr. Moon t-shirt found on the marketplace to, in his mind, help bring him luck, and sweet talked Wheeler into buying a women’s version of the same. Below we see her joining in the search; she had some almost freebie female avatars she wanted to purchase here anyway, as observed by Newt and, above him, by me the user of all. Then a 3rd version of “me” entered from the rear.

“Looking for, ahem, *me*?” They turned.

“Greg!” both yelled at once. Turns out he was one of our default library avatars, hidden there all along. Good ol’ library.

“Are those… Mr. Moon t-shirts?” he observed. “I’m *flattered*.” He was already in character, awaiting another plot in another movie. Or at least a blog.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0511, Kowloon^^

actual museum this time

I wondered why these two little figures of the same person were running around a Kangerootown table under the watching eyes of two looming rabbit creatures.

Then when I found two normal sized figures of the same in a nearby fort, my interest was really piqued. The name of the object was Magnum, created by Magnum Yoshikawa, obviously a self image of sorts.

His profile picks quickly led me to this shop in Kowloon’s Gate City, one of the most notable locations in all of Our Second Lyfe. Places like this are a big reason I keep hanging around the game. 🙂

His created museum there was *big*. Then around the corner…

Ah hahaha. Mr. Price! Well, the same Real Life guy who *plays* my Grant Price who is actually called Freddy Price. You remember, the guy who guards Bull’s Bar and is now the same or has incorporated the figure of Gray Man from the LSD Dream Emulator game. I’d be insulted if you forgot *that*.

This find certainly acts as inspiration. I must locate this “Greg” avatar if possible and purchase!

Reference video here, perhaps the best one about Second Life® ever made and certainly the funniest I would imagine. And the best video by the prolific auteur Mr. Moon period as far as I’ve been able to check, the Freddy Price ones included (although they’re very very funny in stretches too).

Ticket to Hell

More on this soon (!).

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0509, GTA, Kangerootown, Kowloon^^, Omega^^, The Cross^