Daily Archives: June 23, 2014

I *might* be staying in Hector/Rubi now.

Things seem to be swinging in the opposite direction now. Noru Museum, when completed, will be capstone of my experience in that sim. Parktown and Chilbo are still around, but reduced. Nothing left in Noru, essentially, except for what I’m building. No chance to expand beyond what I have, really, because of mandatory and necessary tier cost cap. Can’t expand to 1/4th sim any longer except for a month or 2 at most. Actually, no need to now. VWX Town, Rubi was a peak in that respect. And VHX City in Heterocera is still a viable force, unlike Chilbo, really (or Parktown). Now must study the *history* of Jeogeot. Nothing in Noru — but the Rubi Forest is still in Rubi and directly next to my Hector lot. Might even put up my Noru parcel for sale tonight or in the next couple of days. Take Hector/Rubi off the market.

Future site of Last Stone Bar?

Biking past the Rubi Forest on the way to Collagesity.

Visiting a friend’s mandala creation in Burning Life. Check her blog out.

Top Row, probably the original row of stones in Hector.

Hidden amongst the trees now: Noru Museum — in *Hector*.

The always beautiful yet terminally short lived Home o’ Fibs.

The Waterfall House has returned — still the Rubi Museum?

Corner Stone.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Burning Life^^, Heterocera, Rubi^

*Mossman* appears in a 2010 post on this blog using an overall search for “baker”.


Related pictures; the mossman, not surprisingly, isn’t there any longer.




Here’s a map pinpointing the former location:


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Heterocera, Mossmen, Toy Avatars

Pretty sure I’m going to keep Noru…

… but still not 100 percent certain about this. Hucka D.? You around?

Hucka D.:

Okay, list the advantages/disadvantages out again. And leave an option to get rid of *both*. And also to keep both, actually.


I think the latter is right out, Hucka. I have to start focusing on a new carrcass.

Hucka D.:

Then the next to last option comes into play.


Where I get rid of both. Well, I don’t think so. I think it’s one or the other still.

Hucka D.:

Parktown still has some energy left. That’s a Noru plus. Chilbo is still around… another Noru plus. You could explore the Korean Channel again. Noru seems more connected to Whitehead Crossing. Noru-Norum-Norumbega. Rubi has the forest. But you can explore the forest without the property. Rubi property is *more valuable*. Sell it


Advantages to Rubi?

Hucka D.:

You say them.


Proximity of the Fal Mouth Moon gallery to Power Tower Gowlery and perhaps Toxic Art Gallery. I can’t do this in Noru. Also the whole area below these 2 main galleries has essentially become a park, controlled by a very interesting rock alignment considerably more complex than found in Noru. The 2 are tied, even — Noru’s 7 rocks comes from those removed of the 21 originally in Hector, according to mythology. I could move the Noru Museum to Rubi. The labyrinth would surely fit in somewhere.

Hucka D.:

Try it.



That’s where it will have to be, Hucka D. I’m not sure it’s as good a fit as in Noru.

Hucka D.:

Sure it is.


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Heterocera, Jeogeot, Noru^, Rubi^