Daily Archives: June 25, 2014

Let land do the choosing.

Last night and esp. this morning have been re-thinking my choice of Hector/Rubi over Noru. So as a solution for now I’ve set *both* parcels of land for sale at the asking price I deem acceptable for giving up; their worth to me in a way. I would be happy staying in Noru. I might be a little happier in Hector but not enough to sacrifice the additional money I’ll probably be making on a land sale there. Noru Museum is, after all, about *Noru*, even if the elements that made that sim so special in 2009-2011 are basically no longer present. Depends on how much past can shape the present and future. The focus on either property that I decide to keep (or the *sellability* decides now) will be a skybox, after all — ground structures basically complete. All essentially same ground structures on both parcels, the 4 most important ones being:

Fal Mouth Moon gallery
Power Tower Gowlery
Toxic Art Gallery
Noru Museum

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