
“So next up on the agenda, Wheeler, is the ditch. How’s progress going (on that)?”

“The Ditch is fine, the Ditch is good. But it’s just that: a Ditch.”

“We’ll call it ‘The Ditch’ for now, then.”

“Good, fine.” (pause)

“The Ditch”

“I guess you’re wondering about Wanda,” he said in the awkward silence.


“Er, Wildthing… to you.”

“Oh: her. Well *we* can handle that.”

“Meaning you and your avatars. The witches.”

“Doesn’t have to be a witch. But we can certainly defeat such an adversary: we’ve done it time and time again now. The only thing they have up on us is veracity, but even that tends to be… photoshopped up.”

“I know what you mean.”

“So… are you back on the team? Are you sold on Our Second Lyfe again?”

“Listen… Wheeler.” He doesn’t directly answer but he knows he is. Wildthing is just a temporary fling. He will return to Charlene, he will return to Lois. Anything Wheeler throws up he can handle. As they can handle him.


After the meeting with Wheeler at the Blue Feather, he decides to go visit Danny and talk about the issues of his leadership.

“Man About Time is too flighty. He isn’t fixed enough, Danny. He wouldn’t make an effective leader. But yet, he seems to be my second in charge now — naturally slotted into that role. So if anything happens to me…”

“Yes.” Danny understood what needed to be done. And Jeffrie Phillips knew he would attempt to do the dastardly deed. He was ready. Danny was about to be exiled from Collagesity once more. But who would take *his* place? Baker Bloch? Wouldn’t that be weird.


Since Danny’s was the 3rd attempted homicide already in the newly reborn town, along with 2 successful ones, leader Jeffrey Phillips decides he better open up a police station underneath the Power Tower Gallery, right beside the town pool which may later become the town dump — undecided.

Which happens to be the location they found the 3rd body in the evening of that same day.

Looks like someone’s ready for their close up.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0025, 0110, Collagesity Fordham, Lower Austra^, Nautilus

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