Daily Archives: March 20, 2024


“We should really think about renting this 4096 parcel, Baker Bloch,” said Cheesehead Martha Lamb, really trying to help, really trying to further the cause of her hometown Aisle of Palms into the future. “I mean, look at the colors on the sign. TILE again, even.”

“Yess,” spoke a still unconvinced Baker, true owner of town since he was the Mr. Moneybags of the place. He’d have to pay the extra rent. He’d have to find ways to cut back in the real world to justify the cost. $50 artistic allowance each month. This would top it out. Maybe unsubscribe to a TV app…

“You can build a new and true TILE Temple. You can make a true aisle of palms leading up to it. The place is desecrated as it stands. Part of the temple destroyed, palms removed. Look over there (!).”

So Baker Bloch turned around with Martha Lamb (who was actually Wheeler playing a role) to stare at the missing parts of the temple, the missing palms, even Danny’s trailer on the side of Fal Mouth Moon gallery. Who will clean up the bathrooms there if Janitor Danny doesn’t have a place to live?

“2 months,” spoke Martha. “2 month trial. 30 bucks extra during that span. What could it really hurt?”

He (I) counted it up in his (my) head. Close to 16000 square meters, almost a 4th of a sim. Cooperative neighbors. It all seemed set up.

“Alright,” Baker said. “I’ll probably do it.”

“Fine. I’ll tell Stephan. *We’ll* help out with the money.”

Sure you will, thought Baker. Sure you will.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0310, Big Woods, Jeogeot

00420309 (all together now)

Nothing there in the cat house. She begins again.

Green red and blue predominate going up the stairs.

And then yellow at the top as the light slightly shifts to show the star’s interior.

Looking further along the same line: TILE.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0309, Hana Lei^^