00430204 (Night is odd)

“Where’s *Edward* today? Your boy.”

“He’s not my boy,” Shelley quickly shot back. “He’s just… a friend.”

“A toy? I mean, you’re just toying with him, right? Until Arthur comes back.”

“You know the story of Arthur. He’s away a lot. He… understands,” she decides to tack on.

“Shakespeare I’ve heard. Asia, Africa, Europe, maybe Australia and New Zealand even. Oceania. As far away as he can get from your loving arms.”

“What can I say, he’s a dreamer. Anyway, back to your original question, Edward is doing one of those brain-dazes with Lexi. They’re still fiddling around with the Petrochemistry Dam, trying to find that dead pop star in the neighborhood there. But I’m sure Edward has told you all about it, especially after a couple of your patented house drinks. Even numbered drinks on the house, pheh. When did 3, 5, 7, and 9 becomes not odd, Sarah?”

“He he. Woman’s gotta have a hobby.” She pours Shelley another drink, a 3 I believe. “First free one, Shelley. Drink up. Then tell me more about this Kentucky girl who went missing and is presumed dead. Bedside chat, we’ll call it.”

“Nah, I’m not going to go there.” But she takes her first sip of the concoction (Nightshine I believe Sarah calls it) and begins to forget her promise. Just like Blue Moon Kentucky before her. Sarah knows more than she’s letting on.


Edward couldn’t stop replaying the moment. The pop star in disguise just… popped up! From behind that woman there.

With help from Lexi, he’s studying all angles and then some. Mysterious heat source in the thermal layer to the upper right. Could be *him* again. Beware.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0204, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity

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