Daily Archives: June 5, 2024


New Nightsity. New *street* in Nightsity, let’s say. And also TILE related obviously because of the green red yellow blue symbols above its sign.

Wanda can get her allergy pills here to make her more happy…

… but also make the shadowy hatted man she dreads so much appear more frequently. Can’t remember a darn thing after he shows up! she laments. But she hasn’t put the two together and remains oblivious to the drug’s side effect.

Fern is here to enlighten her, because she has enough trouble without this added layer and angle.

Like Redd in an alleyway 1 block over staring at a covered body she may or may not have done in with her outstanding wickedness.

And what might be her partner in crime still cooking on a person nearby.

The answers may come from this onlooking gal, perhaps the 3rd of the group, or at least the 3rd in this alleyway configuration of living, breathing beings. Yes, Derek is fully cooked now as I’m checking. So: 3.

Wait. One more.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0208, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity


“I don’t trust the fish here,” said Wanda to Jenny just above a whisper.

“Oh honey, you don’t have to worry about those mercury poisoning deaths. All the fish in this town come from the *east* coast now, not west. That’s long behind us.”

“Noo,” corrected Wanda. “You don’t understand. I don’t trust — the *fish* here. Over there. Listening… I can hear them listening. I have that… talent.”

“Honey the only talent you have is coming up with conspiracy theories right and left. What was it last week? The birds reading our thoughts?”

“*Noo*.” But then Wanda remembered it was yes. Yeah, maybe she just is being paranoid. Black Sabbath Day over in the mega-mall after all. All those fairies will wear boots over there she’s sure. STOP

GO “Well, what do you think of it, Larry? Something else, isn’t it? The *Horns* make me wear it and that’s the last I’m going to say about *them*. Edward has to go along with them since they’re the big bosses. He’s only the boss boss. Besides, he seems to be paying more attention to Lexi these days than me — you know Lexi, the brain-daze wizard from 2 sectors over. They’re off to Primary Nightsity any spare moment they get. The only time I have Edward to myself is at night. Kind of ironic I guess.”

But Larry remained silent throughout all this, although he was interested as hell when Wanda and Jenny were exchanging the dialog I began this post with. Because now: he hears them too,  just behind his head. Spyware all around in this town; in everything. Wanda has a right to be paranoid for certain because paranoia is truth in this case. Except for the shadowy “hatted men”. That’s the Benadryl she’s on for her allergies. Most likely.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0207, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity