Category Archives: New Eden^^

Carter’s Cave

“It’s a landscape tile, perfectly square and I don’t think it could be here by accident. Just thought you’d like to know, Baker Bloch.”

“Well um, *thanks* Biff Carter.”

“I have an office set up already in The City to start examining the oddities of this area. This — New Eden.”

“That’s great. I wish you well. Let me know what you find.”

“I’ll send you a report daily.”

“Er, what about Cassandra City? I thought that was your base? Did you have a falling out with the guy in the trench coat? Wait — I suppose *you’re* that guy, or the replacement. Comedy over gravity and the like.”

Biff Carter thought about this for a change before replying. He didn’t want to become totally stream of consciousness. I realized who he might be tonight.

“We have a mutual friend.”

Thought so. But what of the square landscape tile? It *was* here. And he was right: ’twas a strange phenomenon and I don’t think it could be accident. Must be the work of Carrcassonnee again. I understand she has a car now that she can steer around. CAR.

“Don’t get too close to it,” peering Biff Carter warned once more. “Could be radioactive; could be a plant.. er, planted here by Umbrella.”

“Yeah, been meaning to ask you about that. Who, or what, is Umbrella? Red or maybe red and white striped.”

“Strip, yes.” Did he say strip?

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0021, 0515, Kentucky, New Eden^^


“I can see it in my mind’s eye right now Ruby, er, Cathy. Right over there in that open part of the sky. A round, perfectly black head with round black ears to match. Don’t you see it too?”

“I’m, er, *prrr*, trying!”

“No need to shout,” scolded Eraserhead Man playfully. “Not when you’re around. We should get married right here and now, babydoll. Right at this crossroads. Save us a lot of time later on.”

Cathy A. laughs and twirls around in place with her blue rose, acting all ditzy as usual.

“Anyway…” EM stares back up in the sky. “That’s what I see. We’ll, hmm, probably have to alter it for copyright reasons. Maybe, um, *deflate* one of the ears; make it look more like a dog’s. A droopy dog ear, yes. Like that card I used in the other show.”

“‘On the Air’? *prrr*.”

“No, the other one. The less famous one.”


“Like *this*, actually.” Eraserhead Man holds up his coffee mug for Cathy A. to see. Indeed: droopy dog ears. She gets a little afraid at the sight, which EM senses.

“Yeah, I know how you feel. Anyway, that’s what follows Axis around, wherever he goes now. The North will have to surrender unconditionally to the high menace.” Eraserhead Man looks up. “The high menace in the high castle.

Now place your rose over there and we’ll start again.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0015, 0616, Maebaleia/Satori, New Eden^^, X-City^


“So. This is your portal.”

“I come down here to Dennis, I get cleaned up, um hum.”

“Err, you mean you get cleaned up and then you come down here to Dennis.” Baker Bloch remembered that Wheeler had said something was wrong with Tropp — True Opp. Maybe it’s that he gets everything backwards. He decides to test.

“So, Wilson Wheeler is your best mate down here.”

“Wheeler Wilson, yes.”

Aha! Baker thought.


“I left him over there dancing. He seems to try to dance his way into a different form. Axis.”

“I’ve heard of him. Rules The Waste, among other places. Rosehaven even, perhaps.”

“We can’t get rid of him.”

“I know.”

“We tried. Same with Wheeler.”

“True enough.” Karoz leaned forward. “You know I have a different user than you.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Okay. Come clean with it.” Baker Bloch knew, but he wanted to hear Karoz speak the name.

“Gene Fade.” Baker Bloch nods, trying to look a little shocked. “And the same goes for Tropp — Opp.”

“Gene Fade is Tropp’s user as well.” Baker kept his mouth open.

“But Tropp is the same as Bracket, originally king of the Comma Islands.”

“And, I’m guessing, Mmmmmm Grassy Noll is a Gene Fade avatar as well.”

“Could be.” Karoz continues his own story. “I was designed to safely walk the uber sacred peak of Grandaddy Mountain without damaging precious and sometimes rare plants. No animal interaction either. But I forsook this destiny and became enmeshed in Second Lyfe. Our Second Lyfe.”


“Noru, actually. Norum.”


“Norum was stronger than Chilbo — Chilbol — in the early days. Before the deforestation.”

“Right. Plants talk. Plants aid. Look at Collagesity now. The only thing keeping it living and breathing is the Rubi Woods.”

“Correct.” He continues onward with more “revelations”. “Gene Fade is my father. Father *and* user.”

“I still…”

“Grassy too. Gene created Grassy from his own genes.”

“‘Fade to Moss,’ Baker proffers. “The production tells all of this.”

“But not in this dimension. Not yet. Gene wanted to go beyond his days as Grassy Noll’s sidekick in all those Salad Bar Jack action-adventure movies. He was quite famous, but only through Grassy. ‘Fade to Moss’, an autobiography that wasn’t an autobiography, was suppose to propel him into a different circle, a different level.”

“Didn’t work.”


(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0013, 0213, Bay City/Nova Albion^, New Eden^^, Sansara

isle not aisle (but related)

Tropp knew there was a danger of being trapped in New Eden forever. Far out, like Planet X. Beyond Pluto even. But did he care? Probably not — in and of himself.

But there was Hidi to think of. Or Hayden. She changes each day. She’s at Rosehaven, in The Waste, at The End of Time, in Nascera. Everywhere the family is, she is too.

But most of all currently, she’s on Dog I. With the Cat.


“If you reopen the passage to Caledonia the water will rise and swallow the island. Let the child decide instead. I decree this from my Coffin World.”

King Tull(y) had already made up his golden mind, inner and outer in resonance. “Did you enjoy the spirits tonight, Great Queen? They sang my molten name loud and clear through the silver fog.” He turned his head. “The child will obey me.”

She didn’t look up from her book. “The old ‘you have yours, I have mine’ routine, then.”

The king coldly simmered a minute before acting again.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0012, 0415, New Eden^^, Rose Heaven^^

no rest

Dixon was having that dream again about tubes…

… and tentacles…

… and roads upon roads upon roads to flee upon.

A true nightmare this was.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0011, 0613, Mountain Lake^, New Eden^^


“I must concur with Lieutenant Spocari, Captain,” pleads 1st Science Officer Dr. I.C. Yourinsides. “All data I’m recieving states that New Eden will be crushed inside the black hole. We must reverse, full speed!”

Tropp stays calm in his chair. “Call me crazy confident, guys, but I think we can do it. One day — Spocari, I.C. — you or someone else of your ilk might be in charge. But not now, not today. This is my decision to make.”


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0011, 0410, New Eden^^

Gulf 02

I suppose Tropp’s true home will always be New Eden, where he has the most control. However, he always seems to be running for his life from something there.

This part looks like Mars — it isn’t Mars.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0011, 0409, New Eden^^

Super Ruby

“I’ve decided I like this role, Axis, and will stay a while here in Middletown with Mr. Babyface and his two goons.”

Half-Axis considered. “You’re not getting back *together* with…”

“Of course not,” Flo cut off. “Banish that from your mind, love. I’m with you now. At least until Xmas. But you’re a changer too. Better go dance up in New Eden to get back to proper form. In fact, I’ll go with you. I need a little break from Cartoon Town.”


She yelled over the music (The Kinks’ “You Really Got Me”) while dancing. “Ahh, this is the life.” She spun around again, then spoke directly over while facing him: “Cross your fingers (she crosses her own fingers here) — I find that treasure before you-know-who gets to it.”

He nodded and continued his frantic gyrations, but the Half-Tropp part remained in place. This was not the right core.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0011, 0312, Middleton^, New Eden^^

Rabbid 03

In the middle of the night, Rabbid Baumbeer types up his report on the unfortunate blue bird-man sprawled out on the table behind him. It took the wannabe doctor most of yesterday to sew the head back on, plus extract all the fluid he could. Precious bodily fluid, he thinks. One day my study of it will take me far away from here and such poor, pitiful creatures.

“Ooh,” he says, studying the data in front of him. “Says here there’s formaldehyde in there already. Looks like this big red dude was planning on keeping him well preserved, perhaps for future rituals. What a sicky!” Yes… far away from here.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0009, 0609, New Eden^^

Madam Mexico

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0008, 0615, Mexico, New Eden^^