00430206 (KY and TN)

“There’s Blue Moon again, Lexi. Bigger than ever in life.”

“Just keep looking for clues,” she responded, not wanting that many distractions on the way to their ultimate goal. “The city will not give you everything. You must keep walking around the margins, poking around here and there and everywhere. Characters are obviously important. Blue Moon. Panama perhaps. Judith who is, well, *me*. And you seem to be the same as (1st person) V or Val, with an oppositely positioned Valerie lurking around the corner as well. The dam, boss. Keep poking around that damn dam.”


The date attracted me. I had to ask. “Do you know… Tennessee?”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0206, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity

here there everywhere

“Damn. And I was just beginning to enjoy myself tonight, pheh.” Hucka Doobie sighs. “Alright, Baker Bloch. Here I come to join you in Tam Lin. Reluctantly.” She accepts the teleport invite.


“What’s up?”

“Just thought you might want a hot dog tonight.”

Hucka Doobie tried to relax but then couldn’t help herself. “A *hot dog*?” Her voice couldn’t hide the shrill.

“Yeah. Fresh off the grill. See over there?” Baker indicated to his left.

“Yeah, I see. Baker Bloch. There must be more on your mind tonight than mere hot dogs. You’re always going deep.”

“Not really. Oh… and cole slaw. Big tub of it. Aren’t our Lindens wonderful? Free food. Beautiful location. Heart Lakes I think I’ll call this place. Not Tam Lin.”

“But then there’s the duplicate. Mossy Hill. Wait… Mistymo. Yeah, Mistymo,” Hucka Doobie proclaims after checking her inworld map.

“Baker Bloch looks around. There’s mossy hills in every direction here it seems to me. Over there. Over there. Then also over there. Mossy Hill (sim) doesn’t really have any hills. But this duplicate sim with the additional heart lakes and also this picnic table and some other stuff does. I think this is the true Mossy Hill sim, Hucka Doobie.” He pointed again. “Here, here, and here.”

“Could be.” Hucka Doobie was pondering how to cut this visit as short as possible. “Listen, I was doing some research over on the Heart Line… speaking of hearts.”

“No you weren’t,” spoke Baker Bloch quickly.


“You weren’t doing anything. I know. I brought you into existence. And why aren’t you a regular looking young black woman now? With antennae true, but otherwise: pretty normal.”

“I changed for the blog. Readers recognize me more in this shape. I show up better in a long shot. Here…

“Aha. I *tricked* you. You’re actually here now. You can’t leave.”

“Can’t I?”

“No.” He looked her over. “Very good, Hucka D. Quite like Iman don’t you think?”

“Sure. I suppose. And I can retract my antennae if needed.”

“So I’ve heard.”

Baker Bloch then looked behind her at the black spots in the sky. He pointed. “Are those black holes?”

They were everywhere.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0013, 0206, Heterocera, Nascera^^