Tag Archives: VAL++++++$


“What about that chick behind me, V? You stalked her around too. If you choose her instead of that orange doofus — maybe we’ll get along better than ever.  You can see what ol’ silverhhand here can actually do.” He stares down at his metal, left hand and expertly wiggles each finger to emphasize his point. I’ve decided not to go with this “Hustler” girl for these very reasons. We have enough complications to deal with besides sexual attraction, at least on the part of Jonny. I told him this.

“So it’s Edward, then, hmph,” he replied, kind of lowering and shaking his head, then raising it again with a new thought. “Oh… about the Japantown girl. I remember her name — speaking of hands. It’s *Han*. And as I recall, yeah she lived over there somewhere. Mysti’s probably right about all that. 1/2 Japanese as I also recall. Couldn’t tell it by her eyes, though.”

I think: So Jonny also believes she is his missing hand come back to haunt him. Interesting. I became curious. “So… Jonny. What actually happened to your hand, your arm? I mean the real one?”

“Threw it away in that deep trash pit over in Japantown — what do I care?”

But that’s exactly where *they* found it.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0310, Nightsity

00430306 (Ms. Blue Eyes)

“Saw a weird image out on the street. Seems like your kind of work.”

“What did it look like?”

“Grabbed a scan, take a look.”

“Yeaahh, V. You just shared a porn clip with me.”



“Silverhhand. Had to be. You form a harmonious whole in the moment. Look for more images in the same location. This… woman seems to be communicating from one plane to Jonny but also another plane to you. Another 2n1.”


“A difficult time is coming where you’ll have to choose a path. Then, you’ll understand.”

Exhale. “Dunno if I’m swallowing all this, Mysti.”

“Just come on back when you find more. I’ll help decipher what you’ve seen.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0306, Nightsity



“I’m actually here looking for V, Emeralda. Have you seen him around lately? Horns, you know, like me, except two of them. Like if Benny and I were one again, Horns of Hatton and all. We’re looking to synchronize the left and the right again, two parts of one. Side for you, side for me and such.”

“V is in a different world,” spoke Emeralda in that strange, smokey voice of hers. Only 1/2 woman at best. 1/2 human actually.

Jer Left Horn waited for more, then had to ask himself. “Okay, *which* world?” Authoritative tone for an authoritative man. Brother Benny’s in contrast was ordinary, even goofy. Like he didn’t give a damn about his high position in the world. Except for the women — low self esteem you see — figures it’s the only way he can get any.

“His own”, she answered, then just vanished from the couch after flashing him some weird sign, he observes. First a V with one hand then a V with the other with the first still held up, then joined together. VW… V or Val’s World? he ponders later.

Great, Jer Left Horn thinks in the present. My only contact in this God forsaken place disappeared into thin air like the green genie she is. He’ll have to poke around himself, see if he can find any more clues concerning the whereabouts of his… well… father. *Supposedly*.

Meanwhile, on a different world, V looks to switch bodies again, knowing new agents were on his trail. This doofus will do, he thinks, seeing the figure superimposed with his letter as he passed him on the streets; determined it was destiny. To prepare the transfer, he’d have to stalk the fellow for a while, learn his habits, figuratively live in his skin before doing so literally. All this coming from the future — shouldn’t be hard since it was preordained. Pieces should fall into place pretty quickly, he thinks. Side for you, side for me.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0302, Nautilus, Rim Isles