Sharieland 02

Herman’s mansion approach-eth.

This day I also ended up visiting Billfork about a mile from the mansion as the fly crows once more. Below is Billfork’s “Beehive”, now split in 2.


Billfork. Compare with here.


Rock art on a Herman Park sign containing a warning about lead and other poisons in the soil. Keep lead poisoning in mind when reading posts just above.


A white quartz topped rock that got my attention while hiking a small stream to the east of Heart Lake. I believe this to be a placed sign as well, although of a psychic or non-terrestrial or at least non-human kind.


The rock (bottom of below photo) rests gently upon a curved limb several yards long. The rock is not rooted firmly in the ground here, meaning that the limb might have come first and then the rock slid against it, illogically enough. On the limb near the rock are interesting “symbols”. The one that struck me first is a “4” atop a part of the limb closest to the rock. I also thought this “4” might stand for the astrological symbol of the planet Jupiter. You can see this clearly in the below overhead photo, just above the rock.

Is the rock suppose to represent the planet Jupiter itself? Note that the white rock could be said to have a high albedo, just like this planet as it appears in our skies. Jupiter has the second highest albedo among the Sun’s planets, with only Venus reflecting more sunlight.


Near this is what could be an artistic rendering of some kind of face. Is it a Jupiton??


Facing the opposite way from the bigger 4 on the limb is a smaller 4 and then what appears to be a dash and the number “20”, seeming to create the glyph “4-20”. Is this the date April 20th? Does it have something to do with the number 20 and the planet Jupiter instead?

Check out this exact conjunction of events in the April 20th wikipedia article (most surface aspect of oddity highlighted):

1939 – Adolf Hitler’s 50th birthday is celebrated as a national holiday in Nazi Germany.
1939 – Billie Holiday records the first Civil Rights song “Strange Fruit”.

Those events, attached to opposite poles of human and civil rights as it were, occurred on the same day.


Rock and limb. The rock is so white that it’s difficult to not take a washed out picture of it beyond a certain distance.


Jupiter (and *4* major moons) in telescope.*

This is the glade the white rock and limb are found in. I do not yet have a name for the stream that flows through this area. We’re about maybe a football field’s length away from Heart Lake here — quite close.


As I’m writing and pondering the text for this post, I believe I may have come up with a kind of surface interpretation of all this. The rock *is* Jupiter, as it appears in *Galileo’s* telescope, where he first learned of its *4* moons. So the symbol “4” on the limb next to the rock can stand for both Jupiter (astrological symbol in the shape of a “4”) as a white circle/planet, as well as its 4 moons. It follows that the limb itself, although curved, is suppose to represent the telescope Galileo first saw Jupiter’s moons (as well as Saturn’s rings, sunspots, and the crescent of Venus). The “4” is on the limb, meaning Galileo saw these things *in* his telescope. Straighten out the easy curvature of this pine tree limb and it could take on the appearance of the scientist’s telescope from afar.

1 of Galileo’s telescopes (notice the bend).

What of the “4-20”? Galileo’s telescope he used to first spy Jupiter’s moons was said to have a power of 30, so that doesn’t quite fit. Could refer to the famous “4 score and 7 years ago…” speech by Lincoln, since 20 is a score of years. This might go along with the holiday/Holiday double reference of April 20th concerning civil rights. I’ll thus leave that second, smaller “4” and accompanying 20 alone for now, and deal with something else that was pointed out to me through the quote at the bottom of this particular post. In the time Galileo saw all these things in his telescope, Earth was considered the *heart* of the Universe, which all else revolved around. Galileo’s finds helped (according to that article I quote) the furthering of a sun-centered Universe instead, an idea Galileo was famous for championing, and a public belief that eventually led to an arrest that restricted him to his house for the last portion of his life.

Does Heart Lake, then, represent The Sun that Galileo rightly believed usurps The Earth as the center or heart of our local system? Stuff of further thinking for sure.


Yet another really cool, white-ish Sharieland rock, this one to the north of Heart Lake and just below Heart Line at about its center. Does it possibly represent Jupiter *again*??



Circle on a nearby rock also reminding me of a planet.


Another nearby rock with the shape of a 5 sided prism.


The surface of yet another nifty rock in the area. More on all this soon.



* More from the same page as this picture:

From any telescope on Earth, a view of Jupiter and its four main moons are possible. Galileo Galilei, an Italian Astronomer, discovered the four moons of Jupiter in 1609 (along with the phases of Venus) using a new invention called a telescope.

More information can be found on the Galilean Moon Fact Sheet.

The discovery of the phases of Venus and the orbits of the four moons of Jupiter helped to add evidence of the Sun-centered Universe (heliocentric). For the longest time, scientists believed the Earth was at the heart of the Universe. We now know that we reside on the edge of an “average” spiral galaxy among a population of several galaxies that are members of the Universe – there is no center.

As seen from a small telescope on Earth, you may see Jupiter and its four main moons like this:

The four main moons of Jupiter are:


The image above shows, from left to right: Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, and Io. These sizes are accurate to each other. The orbits of the moons are seen below, and all four moons keep one face towards Jupiter – called Tidal Locking (like our Moon is tidal locked to the Earth).

Each of these satellites are different from each other. An example is the interiors:

The interior of Io (upper left) indicates a larger rock core, a mantle and crust. Europa(upper right) demonstrates an icy curst, a liquid ocean, a mantle and a smaller rocky core – possible metallic. Ganymede (lower left) is actually similar to Europa and may also possess a metallic core. Callisto (lower right) may have a core, but very small – the interior is thought to be water mixed with rock.

More details on each moon have been left to their own sections, but much of our knowledge is limited and will require further data analysis and collection.

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Filed under Billfork, Herman Park, Sharieland, Tile Creek

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