Collagesity Update

(continued from)

Baker enjoys the view at Lake Hans Loso on the Jeogeot continent. A small town has sprung up along its southern shores, which includes a couple of art galleries. Will Baker become a new resident?


But he still has Minoa’s Collagesity, neglected for a number of weeks now.


There’s life again in the town’s growing edge gallery: Red Umbrella. A new collage series is taking root. Will the pieces within number 10 again, like with the last 2 such series?


“Hucka D., if you’re ready I think we should talk about collage 02/03 already, just to get a bearing on what’s to come. So Hucka D. (pause) Hucka?”

Hucka D.:



Let’s take the left side first. This would be Collage 02 I suppose.


Hucka D.:

You have a Celina, Ohio woman, an artist prim and proper, inserting an eye into a yin/yang spherical symbol called the Taijitu. The iris of the eye is yellow. It is suppose to be a fish eye. [One of] the 4 Residents from the other side of the diptych has a yellow eye as well. He looks down [at Drink], while the other Residents look across[ or toward]. The yellow eye in the Taijitu looks up as opposed to down. This is the same eye.

The general setting for both collages is a cascade area just behind your present house in Blue Mountain. This is the first time in a collage of yours that you’ve included a location so close to your home. Yet you haven’t been down there in years, have you?


2 or 3 at least.

Hucka D.:

It’s time to go back.



Hucka D.:

Anyway, that’s the location. Baker Bloch is positioned on a rock in front of the falls, arms extended. His right hand almost touches the head of the Celina woman artist who holds the big yellow eye. Below her is another picture of the same artist, hard at working painting other stuff, namely Easter related stuff. She has just finished a purple egg and is working on a blue one. We see the same purple and blue egg popsicles to the far left of the collage, which would be the wild, wild west as well.



Hucka D.:

Aquaman[ with his Trident Streams] *use* to be there, standing on the blue egg. Presently it’s Superman positioned there instead. A bunny stands between the 2 eggs, waving merrily at passer bys. He’s a happy Easter bunny. He (or she) and Superman stand the same way.

Another bunny is directly below. It’s a reclining Bugs Bunny from the popular Warner Brothers cartoon series, uttering his most famous line: “What’s Up Doc?”. This is the same name as an important variant album by The Residents standing on rocks in the other half of the overall work. This is *their* bunny. Questions?


“What’s Up Doc” by The Residents Variants has been used recently in Carrcass-10, Hucka D. And more recently *Chuck* has come to see me. We walked the Bunny Trail over at Frank Park while he was here, talking about audiovisual synchronicities such as Carrcass-10 in the main. I counted 19 rungs on the bridge crossing the brook emptying from Bunny Pond. This is the same as the number of tracks off “What’s Up Doc?”.

Hucka D.:

I hear he has uncovered a body.


That could be so. At any rate, he’s treating the situation like there’s a body in his back side yard. I suppose there are bodies buried all over the place, especially in ancient places like Europe.

Hucka D.:


bb (looking again):

Big Bob is also in Collage 02, or at least part of his head, including the mouth. The mouth just touches the Celina woman’s head. What’s her name?

Hucka D.:

Marge. Or Jeffries.



Hucka D.:

Short for Margerine. Butter isn’t better in this case.


Good to know.

Hucka D.:

Big Bob is desparately trying to speak[ to Marge]. Buttering her up?


Dunno, Hucka D. (looks again) It’s his eye she’s holding, after all.

Hucka D.:

He wishes to become whole. Yin and yang together. Taijitu. I like saying that.


You’re slurring the word, however. Just an observation.

Hucka D.:

I slur a lot of words.


Anyway, on the right side of Collage 02 we have several images of Superman, with one inverted in color. This brings him quite close to the colors of his colleague in crime fighting: Aquaman. I guess one could say that Superman rules the skies and Aquaman the seas.

Hucka D.:

Correct. Emotions.


He’s helping free Richard Prior from the rocks in Collage 03. He then flies him away to safety[ in the blue skies]. In a recent blog post I compared Superman to the “I” of TILE and Prior to the “y” of complementary Tyle.


Hucka D.:

That is correct again. Emotions.


Accompanying inverted Superman at the right hand top is a mashup of Fairuza Balk and Megan Follows, who played Anne Shirley and Dorothy Gale respectively. They’re in character here. Fairuza wears Megan’s hat — borrows her carrot colored pigtails for a bit.

Hucka D.:

That’s Red Head of course. Your new space. Have you built the Cabin yet?


Not yet.

Hucka D.:

It’s already there[ anyway]. You can see it if you try.


Interesting. Inverted Superman kind of covers the awkward section of the mashup of the two girls, Hucka D. [One of] his colors matches the orange hat of Anne. The orange ray from the flag in Collage 03 emits towards this hat as well. Orange points to orange. That’s the flag of Mercer County, which has Celina as the county seat. It is the rainbow. Minus one color.

Hucka D.:



Could be.

Hucka D.:

The I’s have it.


I suppose they could.

Hucka D.:

Superman rescues Prior from the Past. He becomes not Prior but Present. This is rescuing a past self, locked in the rocks of time. Drink is the jailkeeper. He holds the keys. He’s a bad ass.



He looks the role.

Hucka D.:

Stay away from Drink. He’ll bad ass you.

bb (nonplussed):

I will.


Hucka D.:

Drink’s straw points down and Prior’s arm points up a bit. They’re very similarly shaped — too much so. They are one in their opposite directions. Red and blue. Obvious. Good work, baker b.


Thanks. Of course I didn’t do it.

Hucka D.:

Yes you did. Well… yes and no.


Thanks once more.

Hucka D.:

Then there’s reclining Baker Blinker whose lower part is hidden by the rocks at the cascade. She *is* the cascades. She balances mate Baker Bloch in the left half of the diptych, standing on his rock. This is archetypal male and female energies as well. Taijitu. How’s that?


Still slurred.

Hucka D.:

Awww. But Baker Blinker is obviously meant to compare to Bugs Bunny on Baker Bloch’s side of the overall work. Both recline. Both are propping themselves up with their right arm and elbow. Is Baker Blinker mimicking Bugs?


Not sure.

Hucka D.:

Anyway, we know all about the curse of Baker Blinker by Drink from early in the Baker Blinker Blog — her blog. You have your own blog now. Baker Bloch Blog.


That’s Frank and Herman, Einstein!, yes. The Baker Blinker Blog is my first blog, from 2008-2012. Just adding that in for more comprehension on the part of the reader or readers.

Hucka D.:

You will have a 3rd blog. Then you will be a Whitehead in Da Woods.



Hucka D.:

Yes. You will be surprised. I can’t say stuff.


Go on.

Hucka D.:

The small cottage to the far left of Collage 03 is currently positioned on a rock in Harrisonia, on the same creek that contains this cascade here but further upstream. About a mile upstream I’m estimating. The stream itself is named Harrison… George Harrison. George Harrison Creek in full. It’s source comes from Herman Park. The source is protected. Harrisonia is not protected. These cascades are *not* protected.


No. Not at all.

Hucka D.:

The cottage on the rocks here is also the cottage you will build in Red Head when you become a Whitehead.


I see.

Hucka D.:

And then to complete the description of the diptych we have Quilt Rock, also painted by the Celina woman artist, like she painted the similar quilt-like pants of the waving Easter bunny on the opposite side[ of the diptych]. These 2 are suppose to be associated. Tiny Superman poses in front of each. Do you know why?

bb (admitting):

I don’t know why.

Hucka D.:

He *lives* in the cottage. That’s a hint.


Still: nothing.

Hucka D.:

It’s *you*. You are Superman. And Aquaman. You are both. Skies and seas. Yin and yang. Get it?


A little.

Hucka D.:

Who is Drink?


(continued in)


Filed under **VIRTUAL, Blue Mountain, collages 2d, Frank Park, Harrisonia, Jeogeot, Whitehead Crossing

2 responses to “Collagesity Update

  1. Pingback: Collage 02/03 Interpretations 02 | Frank & Herman, Einstein!

  2. Pingback: Spongeberg in Whitehead X-ing | Frank & Herman, Einstein!

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