Janus Faced 03

Twinned sides of the Kidd Tower, A-L (down) and O-Z (up).



The “snug”, is a typically a small, very private room with access to the bar that has a frosted glass external window, set above head height. You used to pay a higher price for your beer in the Snug, but nobody could look in and see you. It was not only the well off visitors who would use these rooms. The snug was for patrons who preferred not to be seen in the public bar. Ladies would often enjoy a private drink in the snug in a time when it was frowned upon for ladies to be in a pub. The local garda would nip in for a quiet pint, the parish priest for his evening whiskey, and lovers would use the snug for their clandestine visits…… Pop into the Snug and ask me anything


The next day Baker is seen conferring with someone just out of sight.



(to be continued)

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