Daily Archives: June 29, 2015

Moby-Dick 01


The following challenge was made by Michael Drosnin:

When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I’ll believe them.
(Newsweek, Jun 9, 1997)

Note that English with the vowels included is far less flexible than Hebrew when it comes to making letters into words. Nevertheless, without further ado, we present our answer to Mr Drosnin’s challenge.





Text of Chapter 36, which includes description of “The Measure”:


“The measure! the measure!” cried Ahab.


Ahab takes a pewter mug full of grog [The Measure] and arranges the harpooneers in a line standing across from him and holding their harpoons; the mates stand beside him holding their lances. The crew stands around them all in a circle.
Ahab sends the mug around to the crew for everyone to drink; they refill the cup each time it gets empty.
Next, Ahab makes the mates cross their lances in front of him, and he grasps them where they cross. Then he suddenly pulls at them in a strange way. Stubb and Flask look away and Starbuck looks down.
Ahab says that it’s probably for the best that the three mates failed to absorb his electric anger, because then he might have lost it himself.
Now Ahab orders the harpooneers to cut the ropes that hold the iron heads of their harpoons to the handles. Each harpooneer hands the head of his harpoon to the mate that he works with. The mates, as cupbearers, turn the heads over and use the socket ends as cups, which Ahab fills with grog. Then they give these cups back to the harpooneers, who drink “Death to Moby Dick!” (36.49)
Everyone has one more drink, and they disperse.
Starbuck turns pale and shivers.





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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, Yd Island^

Nautilus, Mysten, and The Measure 02














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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, Yd Island^

Nautilus, Mysten, and The Measure

Faint eye in the corner of a Measure continent. The eye is part of a 12×12 brown terrain texture that all such continents are composed of. Just to remind — may be nothing — but Spongeberg’s sacred square of Mysten Underhill where he bought Baker Bloch’s audiovisual synchronicities is also 12×12 meters.

One time when I logged into Second Life and visited The Measure, the eye appeared to be in a different place, or the texture had shifted directions. I’ll have to keep an *eye* out for that phenomenon again.



Baker Bloch visits Willum Tosung Funeral Home, Cemetery and Memorial Park in the Trasimeno sim of central Nautilus, or what seemed to be called Upper Austra at one time in the past. Seeing the Hollywood sign reminds him of a duplicate one on the western edge of Mysten, right beside the top of Nasty Medicine Falls on his property there.



Baker Bloch back in Mysten, or actually Baker stands on the line between Mysten (right) and Goremoor (left). The Twist sculpture spoken of before looms directly above him. It is truly smack dab on this line, as Baker rechecks today.


Baker also notices that house #9 on this Mysten Underhill map has been removed in the meantime. There are only 11 structures in the community, not 12. The sign was created way back in August, 2007, almost 8 years ago now. According to the SL wiki, the Nautilus continent itself was created between April and November, 2007. The sign is about as old as the continent.


Looking back up the long road leading to the twin hamlets Mysten Underhill and Mysten Parva from the west, with the curiously silhouetted Christ statue in the distance.


Baker continues to walk west. Everything to the right of the road in this photo belongs to the Siliconicus sim south of Mysten.


Queerly trapped parrots in a wall to the left of Baker…


… and also underneath the road he strolls upon. I’ve encountered these same creatures before. In fact, as I’m checking again, I have several copies of the bird in my inventory. When activated they fly and fly until stopped by something.


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, Yd Island^