Category Archives: Whitehead Crossing


There’s also what I’ve labelled a blue room and a red room about the place, but let’s start with the yellow or golden one, central in several ways. Tania, a Valentine’s gift from Gladly in days gone by, stares at a computer screen depicting a Rainbow Sphere twirling merrily in on itself. Makes her think of Christmas and her maw. Golden bars stacked on a table beside her. Small sofa with Saints style fleur-de-lis decorated throw pillows behind her of the same color. Her dress is also kind of the same hue. She sits in the middle of the manor, unobserved. The building she’s in twirls in on itself all around her too. One named Wayne, although the description says Wayen. Tania’s boss was never the best of spellers. Plumb pitiful actually, but don’t bring it up to her face or you may get a smack. So this is where we’ll begin.

The Maebaleia continent here is still relevant in Our Second Lyfe. So is Jeogeot, Heterocera, Sansara, Nautilus, Corsica, Gaeta V, Zindra, and, heck, don’t get me started about the various Bellisseria ones, as large now as all the original ones I’ve just listed combined I would suppose. Like Atlantis Rising — again in the middle of it all or between the 2 mainland hemispheres, linking them up in fact. Azores greatly expanded in relative scale.

Her replacement Patricia, a St. Patrick’s gift also from the past, arrives at the Secret Door Bookshelf waiting her turn. Not yet.

Still thinking of Xmas, she changes the screen. She replaces a beloved ornament named Girly Santa with a shiny new train, golden in hue as well up front, the place she decided it would poke out of the tree’s innards.

Her user found it in the woods. Just waiting for him. It turns a Christmas Tree into a Winter Tree proper, extending its life to, say, Arbor Day or thereabouts, he figures. Or at least March 17th.

Thanks “Bigfoot”!

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0101, Concreek, Frank Park, Haze County, Maebaleia/Satori, Redsland, Whitehead Crossing

in da woods

She hung up her black hat and dress and boots. She put on her blue flower jeans and rose shirt and red canvas shoes, made for a kid. Because she was a kid again, or at least closer to such. Our friendly, lovely Alysha. And where was projected mate Axis-Windmill these days? Still in Neat Town talking to Kick-ass Boos about bigfoot, locally colored green and called mossmen? Actually the last time we checked in with him, he was in Bellisaria chatting with a painter rabbit about primary colors, specifically about blue and black and how one can change into another. Perhaps he wants to know because of Hatti’s witch hat, which she just hung up. He knows about the alchemical cemetery, the alchemetery or alcemetery if you will (his coinings). He knows he has a rival and he doesn’t have much time, this White fellow.

He doesn’t yet realize he’s also staring into a mirror.

“Whitehead, Mossmen,” he mutters, waking up again, but this time not in the cabin, at least in *that* one. Instead: Reality.


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0029, 0404, Frank Park, Heterocera, Horsa^, Maebaleia/Satori, VHC City^, Whitehead Crossing


Spongeberg Resident’s last creative activity in Whitehead Crossing before the move to Our Second Lyfe was a temple complex at the very uppermost portion of Green Stream’s Korean Channel, reachable by the log bridge pictured below.

The centerpiece was suppose to be Seven Stone but modified to 12 in the construction. Spongeberg rationalized this by saying the 7th was pregnant at the time and had 5 children rocks to top the structure.

Spongeberg’s energy spins on from world to world. The Baker Family now has a chance to buy a pretty big chunk of cheap land in the center of the Route 13-14 peninsula, connecting Whitehead Crossing to BoB in a more direct way. In fact, I think I’ll just make a call to the wife (who’s out of town currently visiting her poor, sick father), to wish her Happy Anniversary and also ask if buying the virtual land is okay. I’m sure she’ll be good with it, but she always seems to tell me about her expenditures that may amount to over 50 dollars or so. Potentially amount in this case, for the land itself is only 25 bucks and tier for 3 weeks will be 32 additional dollars. And I have the option to sell the 8192 square meter parcel before that, perhaps for more than what I bought it with. A question then becomes: What happens after this 3 week “grace” period?


Okay, Happy Anniversary wished, permission granted, and so I’m going to purchase the 8192. Before I do, a word about the word BoB.


Okay, purchased land (!) Didn’t want to wait.

Now: about BoB.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0013, 0502, Collagesity Fordham, Frank Park, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, Whitehead Crossing


Looks like people down there at the red lighthouse but aren’t. Man and woman.

Red has come up a lot lately. And the shape of the lake this island lies within — L —  is symbolic of red via TILE. Will Karoz return to energize his college?

Now where are those itty bitty bugs. Down below that empty house over there?

No. Above it.

I believe that the Mossmen, perhaps including this Gene Fade but perhaps not, are behind the recent phenomenon of black holes in Our Second Lyfe’s sky at dusk and dawn. This is Moss Island. In the middle of an L shaped lake. Moss (character) wears an L shaped tie in the Red Umbrella (Stonethrow) collage Hucka Doobie was found recently studying (“Whiteyes”). L within Moss instead of visa versa.

It’s all leading to the red door. And what’s inside. Moss(men) guarded the door and made sure it was tight and secure until April 2015. Then when it was opened the game was set. The WIS maps all center around it. Just northeast of fabled Whitehead Crossing where Spongeberg Resident seems to live now in his open teepee.

There’s nothing else, really, on this Moss Island in the L shaped lake. It is just another stepping stone on the path of truth, another pointer in the direction of fate.

Up or down? Hucka Doobie asks herself.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0013, 0312, Allen Knob, Coast Town Sims^, Frank Park, Rubi^, Sansara, Whitehead Crossing


The TILE Clown waited patiently in the last remaining bit of Mystenopolis for the return of Spongeberg the Destroyer.

But, really, there was no one left here.

Tillie had gone to the wrong location.

Spongeberg now lives in the woods.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0013, 0115, Frank Park, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, Rubi^, Whitehead Crossing

Whitehead Xing Late Winter 2017 02


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Filed under Frank Park, Whitehead Crossing

Banor Fall 2016 > Whitehead Xing Late Winter 2017 01


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Filed under Banor, Frank Park, Whitehead Crossing


Obviously lots of fictional writing going on in the blog recently — well, almost the past 7 months solid basically. I anticipate this changing next month, when a return to woodsy type posts will occur. This winter I’ve also been able to create at least the virtual part of the blog archives, found under the Virtual heading here:


This involved quite a lot of work. Its *9 years* worth of posts now. The plan is to add to this archive each month.

The fiction I’ve been working on starting in Dec and esp Jan is a separate work from Collagesity fiction that came before. Basically it seems to be manifesting as a *3rd* work to complement “Collagesity 2015-2016 Winter” (Dec-Mar) and “Collagesity 2016 Later” (Aug-Nov). So a kind of trilogy. Also, esp. since it is being created at essentially the same time frame during the calendar year, this 3rd work seems to act as a type of twin to “Collagesity 2015-2016 Winter”. The latter began in mid-Dec and ended in early March. The title of the new work logically becomes “Collagesity 2016-2017 Winter.”

I could go much further into an analysis of the structures. “Collagesity 2016-2017 Winter” appears to be evolving into 6 or 7 separate parts. I’m in the middle of creating part 5 right now. It’s a strange process, because I can’t seem to anticipate where I’m heading — can’t plan the whole thing out. As “C1516W” ended up on the moon, and its successor “C16L” terminated in a visit to Mars, so the new work could wind down with some kind of et visit (Muff-Bermingham?). Anyway just to drop a note on that. You can follow the progression of the parts here:

Collagesity 2016-2017 Winter

The Dec posts (Parts 001 and 002) act as an introduction to “C1617W”, or, in another way, a direct bridge between “C16L” and “C1617W”. Each subsequent part of “C1617W” is composed of around 16 to 18 or 19 blog posts, starting with “Book Muncher?” from the beginning of Jan.

The weather’s been so warm this winter that I’ve been able to get outdoors and hike quite a lot. Frank Park’s Whitehead Crossing has been the most popular destination by far. I already have a queue of photos to share on this blog. WH Xing mythology will most likely develop more this spring, esp after Daylight Savings Time kicks in March 12th. I anticipate creating a Reality archives to complement the Virtual archives very soon. Whitehead Crossing and other Frank and Herman Park destination will feature large within.

And I haven’t forgotten about the Bigfoot location either.

Thanks for reading!

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0003, 0511, Bigfoot+, Frank Park, Herman Park, Whitehead Crossing

Creativity Review



The Sunklands site plugs along! I am very fortunate to have such a creative center. I plan to retain it into the foreseeable future. No problems here.


This will always go hand in hand with the Sunklands web site now. I’ve been blogg’n for 8 1/2 years. I love it. One of the problems for someone looking in is the multitude of subject matter. There’s woodsy reality, there’s viritual living, there’s fiction… lots of stuff. But add it all together and you get artsy me.


Bread and butter stuff, again. I’ll keep collaging till the day I die most likely. The idea of series will keep evolving. I’ll most likely always accompany collage creation with attempts at interpretation. The last coupling of collage and analysis is through the Boos series from last fall, which I consider perhaps my most unified and fulfilling effort in this direction to date. A new series has yet to form beyond it, but I’ve been busy with other art.

The base series of my modern or mature collages remains the 20 part Greenup set from 2004. Seems like a really long time ago now. Before that I more sporatically worked with the old time method (to me) of cutting images out of magazines and pasting them together. But I probably won’t work in that way again. Digital collage is more my style. I’m not worried about the selling aspect, and create them only for the purpose of pushing the boundaries of the genre itself in a certain direction. They are “educational” in my eyes, although I’m not against selling *specific* examples in the future (just not whole series, perhaps).


The progression of synchs started in 1997 with the first steps toward the idea of a Rainbow Complex beyond just the “mere” Dark Side of the Rainbow, a gateway synch for certain. To me, it was the birth of rainbowology, which I haven’t really written about all that much yet. Oh, there’s been some pretend interviews with the likes of Booker T. and Pierre Schaeffer (actually alts), but I’ve chosen to keep certain key elements hidden until I figure out what to do with the concept as a whole.

But that’s just the start. Synchs continue to this day, though creation has slowed recently to about once a year. I may even be at a longer pause currently. I’ll have to talk to Hucka D. about this soon.

baker b. separated from alt Pierre Schaeffer in 2004 with the creation of the former’s Greenup series. At roughly the same time came the latter’s Billfork, Head Trip, and 4orrin1. 4orrin1 especially blew the lid off what I formerly thought an audiovisual synch could be. It remains blown.


Latest in this category is the blandly named (on purpose) “Collagesity Winter 2015-2016” fiction — it’s actually what you could call a graphic novel set in Second Life (and its “moon” and also the *moon* of *that* moon). A next project could involve interpreting this fairly large work, like I do with my collage series. It falls in line with other fiction I’ve developed in spots down through time, the first successful one being perhaps “The High Octave Story” from way back in 1986 or so (rewritten in the early 90s, if I recall). Then along the same lines we have “Jordan’s Rule” from c2001, and then also the larger “Paradox II: The Chancelling” that came along late 2005/early 2006. I need to finish that off… technically it could probably be called a hybrid work as well.

Looking at other hybrids on this page, “Map Synching Feeling” is an interesting experiment with map oddities; “6 Weeks of Shining” combines collage work, map research, and elements of audiovisual synching, tied together through Stanley Kubrick’s film “The Shining”; “Baker Bloch in England” represents a fusion of collage, fiction and virtual reality a bit in the style of “Collagesity Winter 2015-2016” (except set in “reality”/ i.e., England); 2009’s “Where are We on That?” is a good introduction to my original set of virtual characters, most of whom are still around (Baker Bloch, Baker Blinker, Hucka Doobie, etc.). Hybrids will keep being produced.


I continue to hold onto Collagesity, and certainly work on keeping it up paid off more recently with its use in “Collagesity Winter 2015-2016” mentioned before. But has it fulfilled its usefulness? One thing it’s certainly not is a proper archives for the collages (and synchs). The Sunklands site, established last summer, instead has become this… but I would like to keep a virtual town going along with the site, if possible. Second Life’s Collagesity remains a comparatively inexpensive satisfaction, I suppose, in this direction, but my guess is that in the future a virtual town will not cost as much, relatively speaking, and can be rolled into web site payments.


Another recent success story with the unfolding of the many Bigfoot dimensions. Polarity between Bigfoot Proper and Chesterton is involved, the two identified artsy centerpieces of the complex. Each has now been the site of a fulfilled marble race and connected toy/junk happening. Whitehead Crossing represents the other important woodsy center still, and lies on protected ground (Frank Park) in contrast to Bigfoot, which could go away with the snap of a finger. But toy/junk happenings may not ever really come to Whitehead Crossing, unlike what I thought before — up until maybe even this past winter. Bigfoot has taken over in this direction. Bigfoot may be temporary, but my attachment to Blue Mountain in general also is temporary now, as we plan to move to Middletown in 6-8 years. We have land there, we can set up a modular home with little maintenance for our old age, and Middletown is such a neat city with many creative plugins. I can’t imagine leaving Blue Mtn. for anywhere else in the U.S. of A., although *England* remains a possible final destination. But that’s a long story.

Back to toy/junk happenings. These will certainly continue beyond Blue Mtn. and into our Middletown existence. I’m just refining the process now; winging it as they say. And Bigfoot itself may continue into the future. I have the option to camp there even when living in Middletown, since we’ll be retired. And Whitehead Crossing, too, probably has long term value, if in a more abstract way and connected to local Frank and Herman Parks as a whole. But I don’t think I want to camp in Frank and Herman Parks. Too many aliens.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Bigfoot+, Blue Mountain, collages 2d, Frank Park, Herman Park, Heterocera, Middletown^, Rubi^, United Kingdom, Whitehead Crossing


I went down to Whitehead Crossing this past Monday but the bugs kept me from taking any photos. They didn’t yank the camera out of my hands but they were still buzzing around my face, threatening to get into my eyes if I didn’t stop waving my hands in front of ’em. As Chester says, it’s kind of hell up here in the summer. No bugs in Second Life. No afternoon thunderstorms to wet things up until the next one rolls around the following day. But I still think Bigfoot may be accessible during the summer — *has* been accessible (so far). That’s a big advantage. And I revisited Con Creek as well on Sunday and enjoyed a rather pleasant tromp to Green Stream and the Korean Channel, just like old days. Visited Damsel Island…

What of Collagesity? In Second Life (or My Second Lyfe), I’ve been hanging out over at Yd Island on the Nautilus continent a bit. I won’t go into detail except to say that it’s kind of piqued my interest about the island mythology again.


And Nautilus in general. Mystenopolis: what’s that all about?






Is this where Bogota will be born?




Mysterious Mysten (just to get that title out of the way)

MM 02

Faun House

06/17/16: Faune still there!

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Concreek, Frank Park, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, Whitehead Crossing