Category Archives: Nightsity


“What about that chick behind me, V? You stalked her around too. If you choose her instead of that orange doofus — maybe we’ll get along better than ever.  You can see what ol’ silverhhand here can actually do.” He stares down at his metal, left hand and expertly wiggles each finger to emphasize his point. I’ve decided not to go with this “Hustler” girl for these very reasons. We have enough complications to deal with besides sexual attraction, at least on the part of Jonny. I told him this.

“So it’s Edward, then, hmph,” he replied, kind of lowering and shaking his head, then raising it again with a new thought. “Oh… about the Japantown girl. I remember her name — speaking of hands. It’s *Han*. And as I recall, yeah she lived over there somewhere. Mysti’s probably right about all that. 1/2 Japanese as I also recall. Couldn’t tell it by her eyes, though.”

I think: So Jonny also believes she is his missing hand come back to haunt him. Interesting. I became curious. “So… Jonny. What actually happened to your hand, your arm? I mean the real one?”

“Threw it away in that deep trash pit over in Japantown — what do I care?”

But that’s exactly where *they* found it.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0310, Nightsity

00430307 (1/2 mil at least)

But does he really?

He goes into his bedroom to make a call to Lester, telling him the assassination is done and that he wants his money for the job. After Lester says it’s a done deal, all his personal belongings disappear before his very eyes.

“What the???”

Frank Lynn wakes up, rises off the wide if short couch he fell asleep on. 8:30 in the evening: time to get in a real bed, he figures. He has 7 king size ones to choose from now, depending on which direction he wants the sun to be when he awakens in the morning after a refreshing 8 hours, beyond just these dratted accidental “power naps” of his. Ghetto dreams, pheh. Aunt Jen can only haunt him from them on a couch like from his youth, falling asleep to “Aqua Dude Hunger Force” reruns on the boob tube or something. He’s so far above his gangster roots and Aunt Jen and her woman power ways it’s not even funny. He thinks about the wide if not high garage full of short, powerful yellow cars — horse-powerful; he runs through other aspects of his wealth and influence. Asylum Inc. He *will* make it a reality.

Time to get back to the Red book colored blue. He has them all about the house to find easier. If he misplaces one, there’s always another to fill in right around the corner. Always puts him right to sleep. *No* ghetto dreams in an actual, full sized bed. Power.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0307, Nightsity

00430306 (Ms. Blue Eyes)

“Saw a weird image out on the street. Seems like your kind of work.”

“What did it look like?”

“Grabbed a scan, take a look.”

“Yeaahh, V. You just shared a porn clip with me.”



“Silverhhand. Had to be. You form a harmonious whole in the moment. Look for more images in the same location. This… woman seems to be communicating from one plane to Jonny but also another plane to you. Another 2n1.”


“A difficult time is coming where you’ll have to choose a path. Then, you’ll understand.”

Exhale. “Dunno if I’m swallowing all this, Mysti.”

“Just come on back when you find more. I’ll help decipher what you’ve seen.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0306, Nightsity


I knew with my limited computer power combined with some limitations of the game itself, I would not be visiting C2077 and its Nightsity, etc., in person anytime soon. Yet developments still continue there thanks to the efforts of others like Daydreaming Gamer, The Martian, and, especially lately, Lettuce Walk. Through the latter, V has been stalking his potential new body around town trying to detect habits and patterns. He better hurry because those aforementioned agents are still on his trail. More on that soon.

Oh. And I found a demon in one of the longest C2077 walking videos made by Daydreaming Gamer currently online. Pretty cool. Pretty scary. Is this an entity behind the Black Wall staring out at me, however briefly? Do they even *exist* in time, though? A large whooshing sound accompanied the glance so I knew this was in all likelihood a real “paranormal” phenomenon.

A type of grandma figure led me to this moment starting with her own, much less threatening glance…

… soon passing by a TILE styled kiosk at the bottom of the stairs here. And just beyond: it.

We find out later that the umbrella holding woman’s name is Magenta. In both cases?

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0305, 0043, Nightsity


The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.
–Ladies Home Journal, 1918

“One question, brother of mine. Why does it have to be blue?”

“Because pink doesn’t work,” answered left horned Jer to right horned Benny. Opposite in so many other ways too. “I tried it with Evelyn. You know what happened to Evelyn.”

“Sure I do. She turned into a boy.”

“Did you know,” said Jer, “that in the early part of the last century the colors were reversed and that pink belonged to boys and blue to girls?”

“Sure. We know that *now*.”

“After Evelyn, yeah.”

“After Evelyn,” echoes Jer’s weight challenged brother. But he doesn’t seem to mind. He can have all the girls he wants anyway, thanks to the power.

“If we want to get back to 1919, this is the way to do it. 1 after the 909.”


1 year earlier:

“W–what happened to the Hills, Jer?”

“We’ve *failed*.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Hana Lei^^, 0215, 0043, Nightsity

2077 NPC Issues 02: Twins 02

Siamese in this case (two heads on one, fused body). And two of ’em ta boot. Walker had to pause to take in the scene. Which I captured above (Lettuce Walk again — thanks!).

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0213, Nightsity


Second shift for the flying noodle kiosk seen several posts back. Night time in Nightsity. Gloria has her own way of doing things, which includes less hanging out and more work to be done. Less flying about all over the place and more being grounded and sure of herself. She dresses modestly in comparison. Ianna is such a flirt with her willy nilly flashing peace signs and all, she thinks while watching the first customer approach. Like this one. “Can I help you?” she says to Horn puppet Shelley Johnston Struthers, trying to hide the judgment in her voice about the Crazy Blue.

Nearby Edward waits patiently with the food at a different venue while Shelley retrieves her sugary drink from Gloria. She’s not happy with just unsweetened tea like her Eddie.

But this was all planned. Edwina certainly has Cokey Cola and Spriite and the like in back. Just hid that fact to Shelley, enabling her to talk to fellow operative Edward alone and compare notes on the story. 43, both knew.

“How do you think the photo-novel is going so far?” asked Edwina with the appropriate number on her cap, turned around to make it less obviously so.

“Good I suppose.” He resisted the urge to say “fair.”

“I hear… we’re back in GTA V again. Fellow named Frank. A writer I think. Not a hustler this time.”

“Red book,” Edwina elaborates about the primary work involved. “Starts with Redd from Jamestown Street; works in her blue bud Page. Pages about Page too. ”

“I guess we’ll see how it all unwinds.”

“I suppose we will. Look for a physical copy of the book on Mars from the future,” she added. “Red planet after all. Seek Teebestia there. Seek *Asylum.* You should leave soon. In terms of ships, take the one after 909.”

“Like Snowden, right.” He spies Shelley in the distance receiving her drink from Gloria. “Thanks for doing this, Edwina,” he said, knowing they’d probably shared enough information to get them started again. “And thanks to Gloria for being in on this too.”

“She hates the Horns as much as I do. She’ll do anything to get back at them for what they did to her sister. Have you seen Ianna? Flying all around, hanging all about. Brainwashed. Oh… here comes Shelley.”

“So that’s what happened,” said Edward quickly in a lowered tone half to himself, then turned to Shelley just entering the scene. She takes a loud sip of her Cokey Cola to show her displeasure about Edwina’s drink offerings.

“Happy?” says Edward to her as she takes a stool beside him, pulls the tray over with the two loaded cheeseburgers Edward ordered. Before the planned “incident.”

“Suppose.” An even louder sip, right in front of Edwina’s face.


“Tell me some of her weaknesses,” said Gloria earlier to Edward, trying to arrange the rendezvous.

“Well… she loves sugar. Can’t do without it.”


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Hana Lei^^, 0212, GTA, 0043, Nightsity

2077 NPC Issues 01: Twins

And these less than 3 minutes from each other on the same recorded walk from 4 months ago as of this writing. Next up: the rarer but still occurring triplet sightings (maybe even 4 at a time??).

Video provided by the blog assimilated Youtuber “Lettuce Walk” (actually: “Let’s Walk”).

his pretend banner

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0211, Nightsity


He was looking the right direction this time. The rollerskating waitress rolled in with a burger, a drink, a ketchup, a mustard as instructed. Shelley Johnston Struthers studied the abstract painting on the wall closer to the main counter while she was waiting for her own food. “Horror” it was called. She would have chosen something more neutral like “Lava.” The Everly Brothers blared from a jukebox on the opposite side of the diner.

Holographic fish spun around a pole outside, indicating we were still in some sort of Nightsity of one kind or another if we didn’t already know that fact.

I’m not sure exactly what’s going on here outside the diner with this floating food kiosk but this is Ianna and she’s either flashing someone a peace sign or indicating two of something with her outstretched hand. 2 Hills?

Might be.

Eggs are done, easy over for Edward and sunny side up for Shelley. Always. Thanks to the Horns.

Just upstairs as it turns out, checking on some of their other girls in some of their other windows.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0209, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity


New Nightsity. New *street* in Nightsity, let’s say. And also TILE related obviously because of the green red yellow blue symbols above its sign.

Wanda can get her allergy pills here to make her more happy…

… but also make the shadowy hatted man she dreads so much appear more frequently. Can’t remember a darn thing after he shows up! she laments. But she hasn’t put the two together and remains oblivious to the drug’s side effect.

Fern is here to enlighten her, because she has enough trouble without this added layer and angle.

Like Redd in an alleyway 1 block over staring at a covered body she may or may not have done in with her outstanding wickedness.

And what might be her partner in crime still cooking on a person nearby.

The answers may come from this onlooking gal, perhaps the 3rd of the group, or at least the 3rd in this alleyway configuration of living, breathing beings. Yes, Derek is fully cooked now as I’m checking. So: 3.

Wait. One more.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0208, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity