Tag Archives: Grant Price^*++++++


“Do you not know me yet, Fern? I am the one you’re trying to forget.”

Fern wakes up, remembers everything.


“Yellow Jack is where Philip Strevor turned back into Trevor Philips and resumed his Id role in the Grand Theft Auto game V,” explained Fern to Lichen later as the sun rose over her shoulder again. “Miss Janet was the key, and refusing to provide him service and saying he was still banned from the joint. He remembered his drug company, recalled his home in Sandy Shores. He was reassimilated, Lichen. Frank Lynn became the lead man after that, although we didn’t know it at the time. Frank Lynn, through Morro Bay, points to Nightsity. Did I explain the Morro Bay link yet?”

“I — I don’t think so, Fern.” Straw still not twirling. Still.

“But I have a new theory, Lichen my dearest,” she said, avoiding the temptation to spoon another pepper snake and mint ladder into her mouth swimming in what little was left of the now discolored milk in the bowl before her because of all the dissolved flavoring, the last of their kind. She wanted to speak as clear as a bell so that Lichen knew what was going down. “Aliens — now I believe it all points to the hippy egg camp outside of Sandy Shores and not Sandy Shores or Trevor or his trailer or business directly. A man named Night made it all — can’t be coincidence. But not with a K; with an N: the K person would not approve of equating his precious lord and savior Jesus with heretical aliens, you see.”

“I — see?”

“No, you don’t see, Lichen. But you will.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0312, Castle Town, GTA, Omega^^


“We’ve been controlling your dreams for a while, Fern, judging your actions and the consequences involved. We’ve been studying your tree in short.”

Fern knew to be quiet in the moment. Fern knew this was important.

“We see you’re *clearly* qualified to join our group, The Masters. What we, as a group again, aren’t sure of is if you should become president. It’s either me… or you.” He looks at the golden gun on the table. Fern wakes up.


“Were any jokes involved?” asks fellow cereal eating Lichen that morning at the breakfast table, the sun rising over her right shoulder in the window behind her from Fern’s perspective, just like it did with her “rival” in the dream. Lichen’s usually twirling and swirling mouth straw kept still as the sun kept rising.

“No,” she answered. “It was all dead serious. The guy even had a skull for a head. Dead — serious.”

Lichen knew this was bad and that somehow someway she had to entered Fern’s dreams with her. A mind meld came to mind.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0311, Castle Town, GTA, Hana Lei^^, Omega^^


“I don’t trust the fish here,” said Wanda to Jenny just above a whisper.

“Oh honey, you don’t have to worry about those mercury poisoning deaths. All the fish in this town come from the *east* coast now, not west. That’s long behind us.”

“Noo,” corrected Wanda. “You don’t understand. I don’t trust — the *fish* here. Over there. Listening… I can hear them listening. I have that… talent.”

“Honey the only talent you have is coming up with conspiracy theories right and left. What was it last week? The birds reading our thoughts?”

“*Noo*.” But then Wanda remembered it was yes. Yeah, maybe she just is being paranoid. Black Sabbath Day over in the mega-mall after all. All those fairies will wear boots over there she’s sure. STOP

GO “Well, what do you think of it, Larry? Something else, isn’t it? The *Horns* make me wear it and that’s the last I’m going to say about *them*. Edward has to go along with them since they’re the big bosses. He’s only the boss boss. Besides, he seems to be paying more attention to Lexi these days than me — you know Lexi, the brain-daze wizard from 2 sectors over. They’re off to Primary Nightsity any spare moment they get. The only time I have Edward to myself is at night. Kind of ironic I guess.”

But Larry remained silent throughout all this, although he was interested as hell when Wanda and Jenny were exchanging the dialog I began this post with. Because now: he hears them too,  just behind his head. Spyware all around in this town; in everything. Wanda has a right to be paranoid for certain because paranoia is truth in this case. Except for the shadowy “hatted men”. That’s the Benadryl she’s on for her allergies. Most likely.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0207, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity

00430204 (Night is odd)

“Where’s *Edward* today? Your boy.”

“He’s not my boy,” Shelley quickly shot back. “He’s just… a friend.”

“A toy? I mean, you’re just toying with him, right? Until Arthur comes back.”

“You know the story of Arthur. He’s away a lot. He… understands,” she decides to tack on.

“Shakespeare I’ve heard. Asia, Africa, Europe, maybe Australia and New Zealand even. Oceania. As far away as he can get from your loving arms.”

“What can I say, he’s a dreamer. Anyway, back to your original question, Edward is doing one of those brain-dazes with Lexi. They’re still fiddling around with the Petrochemistry Dam, trying to find that dead pop star in the neighborhood there. But I’m sure Edward has told you all about it, especially after a couple of your patented house drinks. Even numbered drinks on the house, pheh. When did 3, 5, 7, and 9 becomes not odd, Sarah?”

“He he. Woman’s gotta have a hobby.” She pours Shelley another drink, a 3 I believe. “First free one, Shelley. Drink up. Then tell me more about this Kentucky girl who went missing and is presumed dead. Bedside chat, we’ll call it.”

“Nah, I’m not going to go there.” But she takes her first sip of the concoction (Nightshine I believe Sarah calls it) and begins to forget her promise. Just like Blue Moon Kentucky before her. Sarah knows more than she’s letting on.


Edward couldn’t stop replaying the moment. The pop star in disguise just… popped up! From behind that woman there.

With help from Lexi, he’s studying all angles and then some. Mysterious heat source in the thermal layer to the upper right. Could be *him* again. Beware.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0204, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity


“We should be okay once we get past the bridge.

“Oh f-ck, now *don’t* panic like you did before, boss.”

“What’ll I DO? He’s, he’s heading right for me!”

“Remember, boss, these aren’t *your* memories. Whatever happened has already happened. Just let him pass through you if that’s the way this plays out.”

“Bring me out, bring me out!”


“See? That wasn’t so bad. Now. Let’s get back to the task of finding Blue Moon.”

“Blue *Who*?”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0111, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity

00430110 (paying the Price)

“Oh, before I forget, Lexi, I want you to do me a favor.” He pulled out a small black disk from his black jean pants and handed it to her. “I want you to help me analyze this thing.”

“A brain-daze? What happened, boss, the girlfriend get up and leave you all of a sudden, ha?”

“No no not that kind of brain-daze. Surveillance. Stalking actually, as it turned out. Blue haired dame. May even know her. That pop star Blue Moon Kentucky. Last seen near the dam… remember?”

“Of course I know BM Kentucky.” She eyed it more keenly. “W-where’d you get it?”

“Never mind you that,” replied the boss.

“Oh but it’s important. Could be a virus.”

“It’s from a reputable source, (then). Guy named Daydreamer Gaming.”

“Mhm hmm, I’ve heard of him. Creates tours of Nightsity for visitors who don’t have powerful enough computers to visit in person. Didn’t know he worked with stalkers.”

“I don’t think he knew he was. Accident, we’ll say. The dam is an odd place. People claim it can warp space-time, make you see things that aren’t really there. Maybe someone happened to get inside a glitch?”

“Who tipped you off?”

Should Edward say, “Blue Moon herself”? Too early, he deemed. “A fan,” he said instead. “Someone who wants to see justice done.”

Lexi wondered: Blue Moon fan or Starz and Stipperz? knowing she went solo about 5 years ago. But decided it was irrelevant. Could be both of course. Later, she wished she’d asked this very thing. Turned out to be relevant as all get out. Because the “stalker” was now a fan of only one album, one song really, and it was indeed from her solo period. Single named “Keep on Shining.” The one that brought her back to life.


“Okay, just lay back and relax and study everything you see. Okay, not *that* laid back. Sit up a bit.

“I’ll turn on the machine from my end. Ready? Sit up a bit more please, boss (which he does). Okay, here goes…”


“WHOA, get me out of here, Lexi, get me out of here! It’s *him*, it’s HIM.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0110, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity

00420605 (immobile (paying the price))

Day 042:

I manifested on an island in the void I couldn’t move away from — no bridges — so I took a picture before the dream ended. Crystal (at the peninsula’s tip). Have to look that up.

Yes, there it is. I’ll just place a little (red) pin on that island to remember…


“Remember what?” Wheeler tested later, looking at the pin with him.

“I… forget!”

“Gray Man, hmph,” exclaimed Wheeler to this. “Wiped you out again. You’ll have to start over.” She looked at him instead of the map to emphasize her point. “Stick to The Natural World as much as possible, Newt. He doesn’t go there. You won’t be as, um, *abstracted* there.”

“Okay. I’ll try.”

“Now sit back down here and let’s begin Day 043 while I watch and advise.”

“Alright.” He sits back down like a good boy.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0605, Big Woods, Jeogeot, LSD

00420602 (rockstars)

On his days off, Grant (aka *Fred*dy) Price likes to roam the streets of Los Santos, sucking up people’s dreams to replenish needed energy for his various security assignments. This unsuspecting guy walks right into it.

Meanwhile, on another planet altogether (most say), Arthur sees horses at the end of a tunnel.

“We got a second one!” shouts Newt from beyond the 4th wall as Arthur reenters the light.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0602, Big Woods, GTA, Jeogeot, LSD, RDR2

actual museum this time

I wondered why these two little figures of the same person were running around a Kangerootown table under the watching eyes of two looming rabbit creatures.

Then when I found two normal sized figures of the same in a nearby fort, my interest was really piqued. The name of the object was Magnum, created by Magnum Yoshikawa, obviously a self image of sorts.

His profile picks quickly led me to this shop in Kowloon’s Gate City, one of the most notable locations in all of Our Second Lyfe. Places like this are a big reason I keep hanging around the game. 🙂

His created museum there was *big*. Then around the corner…

Ah hahaha. Mr. Price! Well, the same Real Life guy who *plays* my Grant Price who is actually called Freddy Price. You remember, the guy who guards Bull’s Bar and is now the same or has incorporated the figure of Gray Man from the LSD Dream Emulator game. I’d be insulted if you forgot *that*.

This find certainly acts as inspiration. I must locate this “Greg” avatar if possible and purchase!

Reference video here, perhaps the best one about Second Life® ever made and certainly the funniest I would imagine. And the best video by the prolific auteur Mr. Moon period as far as I’ve been able to check, the Freddy Price ones included (although they’re very very funny in stretches too).

Ticket to Hell

More on this soon (!).

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0509, GTA, Kangerootown, Kowloon^^, Omega^^, The Cross^


He was on the first floor of his Victorian house now working with the heavy duty computers when she passed by outside. He instantly recognized her from Cass City. Marsha “Pink” Krakow. But which role is she assuming under that overarching persona today? Secretary Berta Brainard? Or pawnbroker Pinkie Brainerd? Neither as it turned out — she had another one to go along with the new location. This is the way she bypassed her paralysis demonstrated in the middle of novel 41 and also a bit with the car wreck in the current novel. Like a female before her named Ball, she desired now to become a top notch comic. She’d warmed up in St. Dennis on the Red Dead planet with a smash act which she headed… without a head. Now it was time to up the ante here in Aisle of Palms. She knew psychedelic artist figure Okama Majo would be looking on.

She backed up and took the right turn to Bull’s Bar. Security agent Grant Price let her pass without inspection since he recognized her from the posters.

Inside a crowd had already gathered. She sat down unobserved at the bar and ordered a stiff one. She was kind of irritated that the animations in the stool didn’t allow her to properly close the front of her dress but she found one that somewhat retained decency. Only the bartender could see her anyway and since he was only a head, well, probably not too interested in her body.

She turned.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0507, Big Woods, Jeogeot, LSD, RDR2