Tag Archives: OFF THE RAILS


“Okay I have them held for now. I’ve also hid the primary’s body to aid in our tasks.”

“Copy that, Ian. Steady as she goes.”

“One leads, one steers. I don’t know how long this can go on without heading off the rails.”

“Let us worry about that,” the voice spoke into his ear again. “You do your part is all we’re asking.”


He thinks he can get away with this, seethes Redd across the way, indeed seeing the hidden with her replacement eyes made by Kapooshi. And so does fellow spy Page in the booth beside her, also selling tobacco, also staring. Between them they could write a book about their augmented experiences. And I got scolded for letting my *own* hang out by that *bookworm* hmph, she thinks.

But what Redd didn’t realize is that they are one and the same, like right and left of one body. Both reds. Wendy is being studied again.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0043, 0202, Hana Lei^^, Nightsity



Happy Town train flying over LOVE again and outta there.

Half of the Tower Bridge (*not* London Bridge (!)), which was the same percentage I encountered next door on my neighbor’s plot when setting up Aisle of Palms back in the first of January.

Googly eyes on the Our Second Lyfe version…

… which is the same effect most LSD characters have when viewed in a certain set of textures (one of 4 in the game) called Distortion or Downer.

Interestingly these type of googly eyes will not appear on Tower Bridge — which also happens to be found in the LSD game — because it doesn’t have a face. Here we almost seem to have a crossover effect of sorts between LSD and Our Second Lyfe going on.

LSD’s Tower Bridge with normal (Static) textures

Btw, even though the bridge next door was deleted in full soon after I arrived in the area…

… the dead parrot statue still remains underneath the Parrots for Pirates Pet Shop in my town, a lasting aftereffect.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0411, Big Woods, Jeogeot, LSD



Linen sees the front of a train coming out of a tunnel into Happy Town and recognizes himself. “My face!”

Then as he continues to watch, the train surprisingly flies off its tracks around a bend and leaves the location over the word LOVE.

Not the first time someone of that name or very similar has emphasized the spelled out word.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0407, LSD