Tag Archives: Tigger^*++++


He’d gotten use to Tigger but this was another type of beast entirely. More teeth, more everything! He decided to purchase that handy wearable tent beside him for zero lindens and sleep in the yard. Good choice. Then tomorrow he’ll head down to the beach to hopefully pick up more gossip on where to find Bart. Both (the sims of) Carumba and Cowabunga seem to be misdirections but he’d find out soon enough. The famous yellow ragamuffin didn’t originate the term Cowabunga, which instead came from the Newton Jasper Turtles, he now knew. And Carumba is actually (a corruption of) Caramba, as in “Ay Caramba!”, so also an error there, as in between the legs. He checked down there while he was thinking of it. Still kind of itchy, but he resisted the urge to scratchy. With this condition and the heat coming up, he knew this could be a long novel 39 to take him to the end of August or so. A bit cooler here on the brown ridge. Beach would be a tad warmer. And stickier. Not a Snowball’s chance he could get out of it, though. Information was there; he could sense it with his tingly higher psychic senses.


Lots of stray cats and dogs outside, big and small, but certainly better than what’s inside. A tiny calico cat enters the tent and falls asleep purring atop his stretched out body. He soon does likewise after pondering Tom, the renegade treatises, and how he got to this time, this place. Vacation, he told the big boss, tired of following around disobeying Shelley, watching her build a thought-to-be secret underwater room here, a presumed clandestine skybox there. Doesn’t she realize they can *see*? So he decided to get to the heart of the matter. Tomorrow he’s going to find one of those turtles.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0039, 0102, Ashton Village, Bellisaria, Western Hills


“Cheer up, Al. *I’m* back. You’ll get more recruits. Already we have Tigger, we have, um, his friend. Does he have a name?”

“We just call him — Friend.” Al didn’t mention Tigger and Friend weren’t technically recruits to his new style Xian religion. Came with the territory as it were. So: still down to one. At least Shelley-as-Jennifer came back, cow suit ditched along with the attached barn and throne. She was raised in a barn with 2 sisters. She decided she didn’t need to return to one, even if the situation was only temporary and an undercover sort of thing. Too easy to become absorbed in the past.

From their position just up the hill, they kept glancing toward the Northern Nautilus Sea. “Maybe Beckett will show up soon with that missing file,” Shelley-as-Jennifer offered. “Then we’ll know how to proceed.”

“Maybe so.” They had hope still and maybe that was enough. Citrinitas.


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0038, 0705, Nautilus, NORTH, Rank & File

Zero Hero?

Desk job to begin, Al said. “Others are coming,” he reiterated. “Check them in, fill them in on what you know, which isn’t much (he admits) but do your best. If you get stuck, Tigger can step in. He’s been in this sim since the beginning. We aren’t sure if he created the sim or the sim created him he’s so old in the time of Our Second Lyfe. And, sad thing, he can’t recall himself at this point. You may have to sift through the garbage that’s in his mind to get to the nuggets of truth. Lord knows I spend a lot of *my* time doing so.” Was this a lie? Al pondered. And… he better get back to the dock. More are coming, he was promised. 2 boats already, but just one passenger, much to his disappointment. Takes at least 2 to form a proper company, he knew. And Tigger doesn’t count. Not even up to one.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0038, 0702, Nautilus, NORTH, Rank & File