The Land of Blue and Purple 02

(continued from The Land of Blue and Purple 01)

The following day I returned to the same area, first taking this shot between straight rows of pine trees in the Square Forest not far from Concreek (and below Thrill with its Ilthril, Methrill and Myselthril). Hucka D. has claimed that Square Forest is actually a super intelligent computer disguised as a forest — hence its unnatural “straightness”. Maybe a comparison can be made to a similarly square shaped computer chip, say.


Stacked breeze blocks on the east side of the Square Forest: Hucka D. again says these are not what they seem, and represent the nucleus of the computer, a sort of mini-computer in itself that use to exist on Damsel Island and acted as the controlling intelligence for Concreek. That Bee has some imagination! I’ll have to ask him how the core got up to Square Forest when I see him next. But I guess the Square Forest could have been “built” or manufactured around this relocated core. Now *I’m* starting to think like Hucka! Zebra could represent black and white, or the on and off state of a computer bit.


And then we have Damsel Island itself, where I once again crossed Green Stream after subsequently walked down the whole of Concreek from Jacob I. Road. I took this picture of a suspicious looking piece of wood which seems to act as one of those fairy bridges once more, allowing passage to Damsel Island from the “mainland”. Impractical for humans, see, due to its smallness. But just right for a fairy?


I might have decided to call the vast open area surrounding Green Stream as it passes through this region *Korea*, and the passage itself the Korean Channel. I’m obviously attempting to import more Second Life mythology into Frank and Herman Parks if this decision stands. Second Life has perhaps crawled into its death bed, with last rites not far behind. The top of this Korean Channel (again, if the name stands) would be at Whitehead Crossing. The bottom or lower part would also be the lower part of Green Stream itself, where it meets Spoon Fork. I’ll go into more detail about all this soon.


Rotting trees in the Korean Channel, not far upstream from Damsel Island.


The Bridge of Blue and Purple again, discovered the previous day.


But what I didn’t know the day before is that the most important aspect of this log might not to be as a functional bridge, although it serves that purpose as well (entrance to the Land of Blue and Purple), but a *pointer*, because in the opposite direction from LBP it points *directly* at the silvery hued, very mysterious Totem, standing tall in a briar choked peninsula at the meeting of two small stream flows on the opposite side of the Korean Channel from here.


Now I understand this is just “mere” remains of a dead birch tree, but it’s so unusually shaped that I think it *has* to mean something, especially given the alignment with this log (in turn, midway between the blue and purple soda cans). Does it somehow describe the history of this location and its “people” (assumably avatars)?


Totem from the other side. I think I’ll create a drawing for this particular mystery feature of Frank Park. Another mysterious part is the presence of a piece of disattached bark way up in the tree behind the totem. From this angle, the two seem to merge into one symbol of some sort. Does the totem tell the story of sky people?


The totem is also surrounded by a thicket of briars, perhaps for protection and preservation. Nowhere else in the immediate area are the briars this thick. You can’t get up next to it, even — that’s why my photos are all taken from a certain distance away.


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Filed under Blue and Purple Land, Concreek, Frank Park, Thrill

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