Collage 10 Interpretation 02

(continued from)

In part two of Collage 10, now called “Holey”, we see two namesake types. First is an actual hole — or half hole, really — that appears on the ground before a now leaning 12 Oz Mouse on the far left side of the collage.


I’ve limited the view here to the left side of Collage 10, focusing in on the 2 “holey” images themselves. Now the second one is something “holy” instead of “holey”. The most holy thing for many, in fact. This is the image of Baby Jesus appearing with Brak now. He cradles the illuminated infant in his berobed arms. It strokes his queer yellow beard. He becomes yet another father in this manner: St. Joseph, father of Jesus. This image is first found in my blog from last fall here:


In this same post we have a picture of the Maumee River basin, this stream formed by the conjunction of St. Joseph and St. Marys rivers at Fort Wayne, Indiana. You can see why I associate it with Jesus, then. The Holy Infant confuses his father for his mother. He is just a wee lad, not much removed from tadpole status. But is this his father, see? Isn’t God the Father? And so forth. So these 2 “holeys” appear on the left side of Collage 10, defining the tone of the picture reading it from left to right.


The Maumee River basin has showed up in a prior Stonethrow collage, or Collage 06 (“Beware (The) Heelers”), part 02 of the 2 section animation to be exact. There it’s covered by what’s called the Great Black Swamp, drained in the early to mid 1800s by settlers to the area.


You can again see Fort Wayne to the left and Toledo, at the Maumee’s mouth, to the right. The whole of the Maumee River was apparently submerged in or made one with this giant, dark marsh before the Great Drain. Very peculiar — and I didn’t know about this swamp until several months after creating that October post. I had other reasons to be drawn to that area (Rainbowology).

The image of the Great Black Swamp here covers the word “The”. The second part of the Collage 06 animation becomes just “Beware Heelers” instead of “Beware The Heelers” of part one. Collage 06 also contains a number of other Rainbowology elements, including Dorothy Gale, the Witch Mombi, and Ozma, all characters from Baum’s Oz mythology later found in the movie “Return to Oz”, the base for the earlier carrcass “SID’s 1st Oz” from 2002. The basic point of Collage 07 is that Ozma as true ruler of that fantasyland is able to symbolically drain the Great Black Swamp again by reversing Dorothy’s Fall highlighted in “Dark Side of the Rainbow”. This is the same as Dorothy (and Oz itself) being saved by TILE, a religion that has replaced X-ianity for me by becoming as much a philosophy and a board game as a religion per se. “Per se, Hucka D.” (pause) Not there.


And then on the *right* hand side of Collage 10 we again have the image of Dorothy falling off that confounding pigpen fence, animated this time. The second animation (below picture) shows Dorothy more in the actual state of falling, and this image again directly comes from Collage 07. The first Dorothy (above picture) is more in the process of losing her balance on this fence, causing the fall. “But through the magic of the collage, she instead falls off the roof of this white house, Hucka D.” (pause) Hmmm.


The orange m&m has “reappeared”, looking very concerned again like he did as a pendant image in the prior “Darth Redder” collage of this tetraptych. But this m&m, and his accompanying smaller rainbow colored clan of same tagging along behind him and then in front of him (as they too seem to fall) are actually a part of Collage 11, after Collage 10. I call this final collage of the tetraptych “Rainbow Men.”

Hucka D.:

This time we must now move quite yet into an interpretation of your Collage 11 beyond Collage 10 but focus on the latter. And good morning to you.


Thanks Hucka D. And thanks for showing up again to help me with this difficult and complex interpretation…

Hucka D.:

… of a difficult and complex work. But it’s not that complex. Just keep your thumb next to the line you next recite and you’ll do fine.


Stick to the [already written] script, eh.

Hucka D.:

Precisely. Now what are your next lines? Because you’re next up.



Hucka D.:

No. Read the line to the *left* of your thumb instead of the right. You’re always confusing those directions. At least you usually get up and down right the first time. Or is it left?


We must focus on the White House.

Hucka D.:

Good. You’ve already established a racist lives there and that racist is Brak The King from Temple Farm, Marlborough, as featured in the Baker Bloch Heads To England exhibit from 2010, I believe. Blochhead. Bloch-head.


But you’re also saying that Brak represents the great loser state of Arkansas, or perhaps he hails from there.

Hucka D.:



And you’ve always told me, ever since the beginning of my blogging days in the old Baker Blinker one, that Arkansas is the center and the focus and not let my attention stray too far north. Or *up*.

Hucka D.:

Down is where it’s at, yes.


Do you want to explain this further? I mean, just looking at [Collage 10], we have a dog stuck on the side of a wall — this is a Little Whitehead Art Collective creation once more — with a miniature Patrick Star of Spongebob Squarepants looking on with ice cream cone in hand. He’s just a big kid through and through. Then an even tinier Spongebob emerges from his pineapple home. (pause)

Hucka D.:

I can’t see that far down.




Hucka D.:

Thank you[ for showing me the whole picture]. “Holey”.


Patrick Star appeared in the Falmouth tetraptych that completed the 2013 Gilatona-Lis sequence of collages, Hucka D.

Hucka D.:

I remember. Vaguely.


Well, here he is in case you’ve totally forgotten.


Hucka D.:

Thanks once more. But if you’re going to rezz that whole [older] tetraptych then we’re going to have to stand back a bit.


Then I won’t do that.

Hucka D.:

Thanks yet again.


And Spongebob also showed up in earlier Gilatona-Lis works. And his pineapple home appears in the original Embarras collage (Embarras 01).

Hucka D.:

“Why?” I hear you asking in your mind. Well, to give the collages a bit of levity for one thing. The dog flies into the white house and becomes stuck like in flypaper. I must ask you: is this dog Spider? Carrcassonnee’s Spider that still sits in the Collage Temple beside his master, still spouting out the permutations of that hellish number 2130?


He’s not exactly the same color but it does appear to be a Chihuahua of similar shape and size. And Patrick Star hates Spiders — that’s another connection.

Hucka D.:

Maybe we better end on that humorous note. Yes, the dog is Spider. Yes, that’s why Patrick Star is there. Mr. Star is also a crop circle, as is Spongebob Squarepants… as are their 3 houses in a row if you throw in “trapped in the middle” Squidward and reduce all to the base of Patrick’s rock. [That’s all Morgan Hill crop circles.]






Fantastic. Here they are [off the road to Honeystreet, UK]…


(continued in)


Filed under collages 2d, Indiana, Lake District, MAPS, Ohio, United Kingdom, Wiltshire

2 responses to “Collage 10 Interpretation 02

  1. Pingback: Collage 10 Interpretation 01 | Frank & Herman, Einstein!

  2. Pingback: Collage 10 Interpretation 03 | Frank & Herman, Einstein!

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