Tag Archives: Cow^^++++++


In the morning she skipped breakfast with the creepy mesh family and drove more into the heart of the village. She checked the gauge after starting the car. Gas tank full, good. She was back on the right timeline, the one she came from when she entered the portal.

Seeing some cows in a field above her after parking, she decided to visit them first. She always had an affinity with these gentle animals, actually wanted to be a cow when she was little. “Milk me,” she said very inappropriately to her younger brother when they were 8 and 10 respectively, too small to know what they were doing. Their Mother set her straight later on. “Get it through your bull headed brain: you are *not* a cow.” But then when she grew up and started to put on a few extra pounds, well, things got complicated again. “I *am* a cow,” she would often say to herself after that, until pound begat pound and she was puttering about the house in a black and white suit made from miracles. Took a long time to get over that. She thought of Christina again and her own unburdening. In a mesh way in that case, of course. Hard to compare the two.

And low and behold she found that she could milk the farthest one she automatically dubbed Bessy as per custom, like strange dogs tend to become Rover or Spot when addressed. Milk, mmm. Would be tasty after not having anything to eat this morning. Needed nutrition.

“You’ll have to give that milk to Donna,” spoke Andrew “Biff” Carter loudly over a nearby fence. “She owns the cow.” Can she not shake the creepy mesh man? She wondered about his ability to have sex again. Maybe he’s feigning all *this* — mesh could be just an act so that he could seem innocent when following her around. I bet he drinks that wine after everyone else has gone to “bed”. Bet he dreams about more than just tools in a shed. Wait… is *she* mesh instead? No no no, she waves the crazy thought off. I’m *real*. I *eat*. But yet she skipped breakfast with no ill consequences yet. And she couldn’t manage to quite go to the bathroom last night behind the house.

I’m *not* mesh, she then thought. But I’m *turning* into mesh. This place!

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0041, 0104, Teepot^^


“I still have a home on Nautilus. It was a retirement gift — very pretty there. Lots of vegetation.”

Dr. Rabbid Baumbeer, still dealing primarily with bodily fluids but hoping to graduate to full blown psychiatry soon, looked at his e-machine and gauged this was true. “Describe… gift,” he decided to say.

It was the end of 31 and it was the end, period. March 1 of last year, 12:01 AM we’ll say. Eddie D’Aigle, who sometimes preferred D’Aigle, Eddie, especially if he was traveling in the Orient, had just retired from the private sector of the records management business, having made his fortune archiving the files of rock stars Ozzie Osbourne, Ozmo Daredevils, and the like. His last blog article for the latter, the last he did overall, was about how the song “Jackie Blue” was changed from “Jackie Pink,” which drew the attention of Pink, Marsha, Krakow. He had the evidence before him as he wrote: the altered lyrics, everything. “It was suppose to be about a man who peddled drugs during the day while working nights as a bartender, a very Dada affair,” he reinforced to her in a reply email, then, seeing her avid interest, invited her up to [Blue Mountain] to look at the actual, revised lyrics herself. “Come with your driver’s license or a birth certificate,” he said, “and our staff will bring the whole box out to you; I’ll put it on reserve and not reshelve. You can look at one file at a time, and just mark what you want copied with green (START) and red (STOP) paper we’ll provide.” She ended up photocopying the whole box. New 3d scanner the office just purchased did the trick in a 10th the time it would have taken the old fashioned way. Marsha’s, in fact, was the first request accomplished using that method. Boxy Marsha, she went down in office legend as. Prototype. Especially since Eddie, on his last day of work, helped her tote the (wrong?) box to her still hot pink car, soon to change to yellow. Thanks to what was inside. In many ways, she became the box she requested, a black and white facsimile of herself.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0611, Blue Mountain, Nautilus, Omega^^, Retirement Islands, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^, Wild West

sing sing

In a hidden wing of the prison she finds a big clue, perhaps a master map. Gazing at pink, she knows where she is. And who she is! She dispenses with the cow part, hoping to remember more.

It worked! All Orange beneath (perfection). “I am a–.”


“Once you finish your meditation we can begin the reading, Edward.”

“Still can’t believe you’re a (prison) psychic as well as a bartender, Nas,” he spoke from his yoga position across the scrying table. Another Golden Goddess, he thinks. A chain! And all he had to do was set up a date later on to pay. Perfection once more.

“*Concentrate*. Put the question foremost in your mind.”


“This prison can no longer hold you, Edward, her Eddie,” she read. “You have past through the 2 pillars. 10 becomes 1 from bottom to top and you begin again. You will have enough money to prosper or at least be comfortable in your olden age to do so.”

Good but not original Golden Goddess good, Eddie intuits here. He must return to her.

Now he just has to wait on Pink to finish her sentence.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0402, Omega^^, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^


Tired from her “tour” and walking so much, Marsha “Pink” Krakow sits down at a conveniently placed bar in the middle of it all. She would have settled for water but all they had here apparently was alcohol by the looks of it. And also no one tending the thing. She ended up pouring her own beer, an Anheuser product, probably Busch. Only one other person in the place and that was a woman dressed like a horse sitting at a table against the wall. She figured: protection, like she had on her cow suit for same. But in truth this was the bartender on an unsanctioned break, black mare outfit merely indicating her employee status.

She dreamed of being a novelist, Star Team fan fiction to be precise we could call it. She was waiting on the publisher to judge her latest effort, a two-pronged story about the perils of asteroid belts and also belts in general, including one the Captain wanted his new favorite helmsman to start wearing. He introduced it to her by saying it could transport her to another realm altogether and that he could then join her there if they were properly synchronized. Then the asteroid belt hit and they had to laser a hole through the biggest, darkest one in order to make it out and continue toward their destination. “You see?” she said to her publisher who was interested but not sold yet, calling to ask more questions to assess the ultimate value of the book — money value obviously, the way publishers have to be these days in a dog eat dog, capitalist driven world. “It’s all Freudian (she continued). Readers would eat it up without even knowing it’s trash at the bottom. Or, to use another analogy, wouldn’t even taste the normally intolerable hot spice I added to the meal.”

Shady Lane Publishers worried about the Star Team angle, obviously a nod to Star Trek. They consulted their own team, legal in that case. No go, they said. Can’t take the risk. And so Liz was served with a big thumbs down the day after the call. And here she is. Drinking on the job because of it.

She got the Pleiades angle from a map conjunction in Pennsylvania…

… and a map conjunction in Pennsylvania.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0401, Omega^^, Pennsylvania, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^


Checking the latest blog post, Ginger (Marsha) discovered what The Sun was.

Her long pink-ish legs elongated the whole card at the bottom. She felt them stretch beyond 9 into 10, with a square root of 3.16 instead of 3. Root beer; ginger. “Dammit, Ed!” she cursed aloud, understanding what had happened at last. And all because of that beach towel he bought for her from Golden the psychic down at the strip mall, 1/2 price of course — planned. She suddenly could see *everything*, facade stripped away indeed. Illumination. She ripped off the also fake pigtails and headed over to Eddie’s apartment. And Edward’s.

And Nas ta boot! she also knew. She’ll start with her. But first there’s the little matter of stealing a car to frame the whole affair up, she thought while walking, while stomping. And right on Police Chief Bazooka Ferguson’s lunch break when he heads over for his own free reading at the strip mall, another set up. Golden ticket as it were. Slightly wrong address on it so he’ll have to circle ’round the back and by their apartment to seal the deal.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0212, Omega^^, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^


“Yes I recall. The direct resonance with the Utah town in the Marion-Francis circle. The one that put SS on the map. But the overlap was rejected by the good people of that state, steeped in religion not mysticism and alchemy. They knew and understood the gold seekers that were greedy prospectors, ready with a trick and a tail. So they bent away from Meat City, to the detriment of both. The upper ones tried to mirror the energy back into the town but no good, or incomplete at best. Now you can revisit this. Where is the coordination of Broadwater in Kamas?”

After checking: “It’s off the grid (!).”

“Exactly. It has its own energy independent from the grid that absorbed the rest. Streets don’t go all the way around the sim. Keep that in mind when exploring further. More aligned overall with the continent rather than the city, a larger power.”


“No sushi today! Bad!” the proprietor of the stall barked on the same block as the new strip mall.

Geez I was just passing by, she thought, oblivious to the omen.

Suddenly time stood still.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0206, Omega^^, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^, Utah


“Breakfast looks great, dear. I’m *starving*.”

“Did you hear something outside?”


“Oh, I’m so *full* now. Thanks for cooking again. I swear, I’ll start to chip in on that department very very soon. It’s just that…”

“That what…?”

“I feel like if I pick up a spatula I’ll never put it down. Did you have that feeling? The first time you picked one up or made breakfast for the first time? It’s a strange feeling but one I feel is true.”


“Never mind. I know it’s a silly thought. And me and you just getting to know each other better. You don’t need to know all this *weird* stuff about me. Just that I’m cute.”

“Adorable!” she said on the couch by his side, and even gave his nose a tweak to reinforce this. Starts right there — tip of the nose; front of the face. Where truth begins.

He decides to address the elephant in the room. Or at least the cow. “H-how long…?”

“Till I remember,” she said about the suit she had on, guessing what he was going to ask. It was inevitable.


Despite the appearance, this is not Marsha “Pink” Krakow. This is the mayor’s daughter. The cow suit makes her forget not remember. She had forgotten that very core fact about its existence. Eddie saw to that. Along with the mayor of this here Meat City, the first woman elected to the office. So many men wanted to keep women down in this primary Omega continent burg, known for its straight city blocks and shady dealings, crooked in every other way. The mayor was going to change all that. And her daughter had to be out of the way for her to do so. Thus the apartment in Broadwater, thus the distraction of opening a strip mall in a neighboring sim the same week of the rental. “See?” she can tell the worriers, the doubters. “She was just on TV that week. She’s *fine*. She runs off now and then.” The cow suit was an heirloom from her mother’s father’s brother’s sister’s aunt-uncle, a cross-dresser of sorts. “Put it on and you’ll turn invisible,” he said to his niece back in 1905 when he revealed the thing for what it was. He didn’t say that the invisible part involved the mind and not the body. They’ll never find her here. As long as she doesn’t know who she is.

Back to the couch…

“Don’t worry, Ginger. No one is watching us. I have all the bases covered, like in a classic Cincinnati Reds game, a victory of course. I’ll keep you safe at home.”

“No sin in Cincinnati, I get it.” But she didn’t smile. There were eyes out there. Brown ones, she sensed.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0203, Ohio, Omega^^, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^

Rocky Comfort

The mouse already had a rat and he was she. Giant monster Albert couldn’t get inside this time. The girl was safe. For now.

Made it! Butt… where am I??

She eventually makes her way through all the other rooms to the bathroom. And the scales, but something was different from before, although they still registered zero just like she was a kidd again, a baby, an infant, a… fetus. We couldn’t see the tub ducks so no yellow in the picture now. Definitely changed, although the observer still observed from atop the falls.

She wakes up in bed, cow patterns to the front, cow patterns to the side. No noise.

Where is everyone? she asks herself after sitting up and scratching her head in confusion. Flown away?

Turns out it was so.

Butterfingers appear in a cave.

Pink sees yellow again (and wants).

We’re back on the correct timeline.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0107, Bellisaria, Nautilus, NORTH, River, Sandfly, Upper Austra^, Western Hills


Something had happened. She seemed to have grown a little again upon waking up. She couldn’t turn off the lamp beside her. She stared at cow patterns on a shower curtain.

Probably asleep still — yes, that’s it. Mysteriously, no walls in the place she decided to bed down for the night, so no secrets. She could hear everything being talked about below.

“Well guys, I’m off. Wish me luck!”

“Luck, Wanda.”

“Tammy,” Tammy corrected.

“Right,” said Doris Lelia. Wearing pink on the green couch and turning a bit red. Kellyya on the flowery chair had said nothing yet, per the script of course, or so she hoped. She (the actor playing Kellyya) didn’t exactly remember her next line. She’d have to improvise. But director Bob “Tom” Wassleburg (Wassleburg?) seemed to like improvising in a role. Not all the time of course but sometimes, if the mood calls for it. May get away with the gaff. Unlike poor Alice Flowchart (Lelia) back there.

“And how about *you*? Kellyya isn’t it?” Tammy didn’t know Kellyya as well as Lelia, who she went to school with. “Aren’t you going to wish me well on my first day of work?”

Kellyya remained silent. The actor playing Kellyya figured that jealousy would explain the lack of a good luck wish. *She* hadn’t had a bonafide job in years. And her confidence suffered for it.

“*Anyway*…” Tammy turned from the two, one on her good side and one on her shit list now. Without another word she walked out the door which didn’t exist and got on her bike, intending on riding into the next room which was also the next town. Storybrook. We’ve been here before.

“Maybe I should take a hopper today,” Tammy contemplated aloud from the bike seat, looking over at the green blue red yellow in a row and forgetting about Lelia and Kellyya for the moment. Such confusing names!

Aah yes, better! She’ll show up to work in *such* a good mood, heh.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0039, 0514, River

And so on the 5th day…

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0039, 0406, Black Ice, Jeogeot, NWES Island^