Tag Archives: Grant Price^*++++++

00420505 (The defeat of Gray Man?)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0505, LSD


He enjoyed his time in Aisle of Palms rehearsing with his new band but it was always good to get back home. Back to his private, two palm beach beneath the house with its lounging boat and tent, back to his cats, big and small.

Plus the fact that all that talk about St. Dennis was kind of freaking him out. He *knew* where that was, he insisted to Baker Bloch and Wheeler Wilson, discussing the different angles of the subject at the new bar — Bull’s Bar I think they settled on for a name. Yes… and still guarded day and night by Grant Price and his security crew as hired by Bull himself, also known as Dragon. Bull Dragon sometimes, combining the two names. And sometimes even Ball Dragon or Dragon Ball, although he really doesn’t like the Ball version; best not to call him that, actually, because of his violent streak and all. Some say he comes from fabled Violence District itself; killed not one but a number of people there; kicked one to death in the middle of an alleyway, the legend goes. Anyway, being an omniscient type author to this blog and attached photo-novel, I also know that’s true, and that’s how Grant Price met him because he frequented the place too. Gray Man he was often called because of his suit and fedora style hat of that color. We’ve covered that a bit in the last section. Back to St. Dennis and Okama Majo’s different take on the subject. We’ll pick up discussion at Bull’s Bar two days prior. I’ll try to keep up better, ha.

He sat in the middle between the two as they chatted. They clearly wanted him to hear to further the narrative.

“*Anyway*,” continued Wheeler Wilson-as-Martha Lamb, “rumor has it that Atlantis High Priestess, this so-called Libra Neptune from the golf course back in novel 41, rediscovered the underbelly of St. Dennis, reverted back to her old, whoring ways. This is all in the movie too.”

“Red Dead Redemption,” Baker said back.

“02, like I said.”

“Okay. How does this… just go ahead. I’m sure it will clarify itself if we talk long enough.”

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0503, Kangerootown, LSD, Omega^^, RDR2, The Cross^

00420416 (Natural World/ Rainbow Falls)

“So I think we can make a home here, Sepisexton. Get away from it all, talk about the tomorrows and yesterdays to no end. Dreams we’re talking about here my love. And no Gray Man around to erase the memories. He doesn’t come into The Natural World.”

“So I’ve heard.” She takes another bite of her ant beignet and mulls over possibilities. Amos T. Sandman points in the distance, over the waterfall.

“See those fish floating over there. Plenty more where they came from. I tested it yesterday. You can just go up to them and grab them with your bare hands and then another one spawns. Fish spawns — get it? I was running back here to tell you no tackle was needed. This isn’t football or even angling — no sport to it atall. Free food!”

Wheeler, currently playing the role of Sepisexton to Baker’s Sandman, took the inept humor in stride. Yesterday they had found the North, this place where Okama Majo came from, at least in comparison to St. Dennis (more on that soon). He said he sucked at a video racing game while living there and thus made his own where the walls don’t matter and there’s no shooting allowed, no target whatsoever to the game. A game about nothing. But at the same time: everything. Here we have the answers we needed. We’ll continue photo-novel 42 into its section 05 while keeping this in mind.

“Let’s go up beyond the waterfall to the sunken ship to end again,” requests Wheeler, last piece of beignet in her mouth, somewhat muffling the request. Ants, thinks Sandman to this. Sepisexton got rid of the last to save him from becoming fused superhero Santman forever and ever, a walking talking copyright violation. She’ll always be golden in his book for this.

Time for the dreamer to awaken.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0416, LSD

00420412 (a dose of LSD)

“Meet me by the big foot in Kyoto. Oracle’s orders.” He hung up the phone.


“Where *is* she?” Was he firm enough in his tone of voice?

He started wandering around. Bad idea.

Soon, too soon, he’d forgotten EVERYTHING.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0412, LSD


“Oh no! Look out Linen!”

“Behind you!”

They gave Okama Majo a cheap high-rise apartment in town so that he could rehearsed with his new band easier. Name still pending. Don wants to call it “Sueeey!” — totally predictable, still being a kid at heart and mind and all and not thinking of others that much while living in his own self-centric universe. Classically trained guitarist No Lag V is leaning toward “Gas Solid Liquid Plasma,”, with her as Gas and, as she said, the others will figure out their own state of matter over time. And then Shelly inserted her own name into the discussion: “The Dream Emulators”. Okama? Let’s actually give Okama “The Dream Emulators” suggestion and leave Shelley’s for later. Currently she’s off in her own dream world over on the western part of the Jeogeot continent, spending time with imaginary boyfriend Eddy D’Aigle instead of hubby Arthur, who may be out of town himself acting again. Shakespeare never sleeps.

He knew he shouldn’t do it but Okama is searching old tenant Mr. Babyface’s Internet history for clues about his nature. What led him to take that small boat so close to that Korean Channel funnel, obviously marked on the map, and get sucked in, never, it seems, to return to the land of the living? Soon — too soon probably — he comes across Babyface’s theories about an alphabet hidden in a column of sims on the eastern side of the continent, the opposite part from where Shelley currently is; she’s just that off-base. Okama is the one we should stay with…


“Orgamast?!” he shouted, spotting the name of the “O” sim in the Korean Channel and realizing it was so close to Orgasm (‘nother one!). Let’s back up…

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0408, Big Woods, Jeogeot, LSD, Xilted


I remember seeing you at the other Jack’s, the one you modeled your new bar on. I’ve been taking care of you for a loong time, Wheeler. Watching over you; waiting in the shadows, as I like to say. Ready to pounce when trouble comes up. And it will.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0405, Big Woods, Hana Lei^^, Jeogeot

00420404 (Mr Price Too)

So to bring all this together:

“The two processes across the road from each other are one. It all broils down to a chicken situation. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This represents the art on the two sides of Grant Price Hill Rd. in Bear Lake PA, human-made and who-knows. Why does the chicken cross the road? Because he’s already on the other side. Add in Happy Town and we have the full explanation. The blurred out figure beside the canoe is Gray Man. And… he’s probably Grant Price too.”

“Or Grant Hill,” Baker tries to quip.

“Has he shown up yet at the bar? Grant Price I mean?”

“No,” answers Baker to Hucka D. “But I believe he might be in the alleyway outside.”

“Guarding the place already?”

“Maybe (!).”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0404, Big Woods, Google Street View, GTA, Jeogeot, LSD


Why was I here poking around Bear Lake, PA? Because it happens to pop up as the only listing under the name Happy Town in our government’s Geographic Name Information System (GNIS) database. I came across an article here explaining the variant name’s history.


Ernest Miller’s Place Names in Warren County also refers to a “Happy Town” that was “a former small settlement located half in the borough of Bear Lake and half in Freehold Township; it is three-quarters of a mile east of the center of the village of Bear Lake.

“In earlier years, there were nine houses, a blacksmith shop, and an out-of-doors dance platform where Saturday-night dances were held. It is thought the location was named when a reveler remarked, ‘Oh, it’s a happy town on Saturday nights!’ A dirt road, known and marked as Happy Town Road, turns from the village location south where it meets Route 957.”

And the reason I was looking up Happy Town in this way in the first place is because it’s the name of a prominent location in Osamu Sato’s LSD Dream Emulator video game from 1998, basically forgotten shortly after its release in Japan but now an internet hit thanks to a Youtube fueled revival. Good ol’ Youtube — serving me well lately for uncovering gems of creativity. Happy Town is the most colorful of the 14 locations of the game, and one of the largest and most frequently visited and recalled. With its cheerful, vibrant nature, Happy Town presents the opposite of gloomy, perpetually dark and gray Violence District with its odd appearances of bloodied bodies and headless or hanged women. Then at some point I guess we should talk about the Gray Man, the most famous element of Sato’s game. According to the LSD Dream Emulator’s fandom wiki, Gray Man appears most often in Happy Town amongst the game’s locations. He’s been seen as the main antagonist of LSD, but some also put forth the theory that he’s instead its protagonist.

Happy Town description from the wiki:


Gray Man from the same:


Gray Man in Happy Town

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0403, Google Street View, LSD, Pennsylvania

00420401 (Mr. Price)

“I-I don’t need someone t-to… guard it with his life, j-just… be around.”

“We’ll be waiting in the shadows,” his new client assured the owner of the bar. “Ready to strike when they make the wrong move. We’ll keep it clean here.”

“I like that. And if they *don’t* — they gotta pay the price.”

“Now you got it Dragon.” Points at Dragon. “Now you got it.”


“So what is this magazine you brought with you today, Baker Bloch? SecuroServ? Who’s that?”

“Let’s call it a… bleed-through from another reality. One important to know about, Wheeler.”

“He’ll probably be showing up soon,” he added. “To secure… and soive — just a warning.” He picks up the magazine from the counter and hands it directly to her. “Being the manager of this here bar, I’d recommend studying up.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0401, Big Woods, GTA, Jeogeot

00420316 (two straight shooters)

After he improbably made one himself (he didn’t have his glasses on for one thing) he went up to the board to take a closer look at the resulting hole. For a brief moment, he went “inside.”

“Ah, I think I see what you mean about the bullsear, Dragon. I think I see what you mean, heh.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0316, collages 2d, GTA, Washington