Tag Archives: TIGERS


“What am I going to do, Giant Tiger? Tessa soo wants to find her half brother, the one that’s been on the lam for so long. Full sister Lisa is trying too, but she got stalled at New Island. Oh Tiggie, if only red hadn’t been swapped with orange back in the days.”

“20 – 09,” pronounced the tiger, very communicative for his kind. This is why Charlene the Punk liked him so much. She came here sometimes near the Rubi Woods to chat with him, confer with him. Because he was very wise as well, as all tigers are. Most just don’t like talking to humans and their ilk very much. Feel like it’s a waste of breath to them. Better things to do, and so on.

“Are – you staying with – Jeffrie?” His voice was deep, like the depths of the jungle he originates from. Deep with tone, deep with wisdom. Giant Tiger knew that this was not a good idea. Most likely.

“Well, we both got kicked out of Green Yarn together I’ll give you *that*,” she said, still swinging upside down toward and away from him, but with her head now getting swimmy. She rights herself in the seat, considers the issue again from a more sober point. Charlene knew Giant Tiger was still listening to her, wasn’t distracted. He was patient too — another virtue. In fact, I don’t think he had any bad qualities to him. Except the voracious appetite that sometimes included human babies and even toddlers. Toddles and he wouldn’t make the best of friends, for instance. I suppose that aligns him with the Oz Tiger, who desired the same and lamented his need to do so. And it also makes sense that the Tiger is so near the Rubi Woods, come to think of it, since that’s Oz related as well with the ruby slipper connection and all, although that’s just from the derivative movie and not the books, where they were instead silver. But… *that* goes into the whole Sylver Forest which the Rubi Woods are just a remnant stand of timber from. 4 sims it covered back in the days. 20 – 09 or so.

(to be continued?)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0024, 0312, Heterocera, Rubi^


After I saw what I saw at the Blue Airfield I decided to pay a visit to my old friend Tigertail while in the neighborhood and discuss all of it with him. He’d been overseeing my actions for a long time.

Not in his shop. And there’s the time-plunger I first used to travel through the centuries and beyond (!)

A prototype, and I was a guinea pig. Oh well, paid for my first 3 years in college in Mesopotamia. 50 bucks (lindens) goes a long way back then. It’s over now, and luckily I’m only mildly confused about all of it. I think. Time to find Tigerhead.

*There* he is. In that giant snowflake seen in the opening to the sky. “Hello Tiger… er, just Tiger!” But Tiger existed in a different strata of time than MAT presently, one operating much more slowly, frozen even (to us). He’d visited the Blue Airfield partially in Gray one too many times himself and this is what happened.

In a larger perspective, Tiger sees different times as islands in a sea of space. “Oh look at me, I’m standing on Mesopotamia,” he wanted to joke to his former pupil but couldn’t because of the whole frozen thing. Can’t… move.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0612, Color Sims^, Sansara


I had to face the tiger head on.

Wheeler is Charlene is Her Majesty the Bigfoot!

One remained on the jigsaw pieces to our left, because there was only one left. Waiting for the snowman to turn orange again (it always did).

There (Wheeler joins the game).

Harrison just kept on dancing like a fool with his new mates behind the theatre. He was free!

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0604, Canada/Picturetown, collages 2d, Marwood, NWES Island^


“Thanks for helping out, Charlene Brown.”

“I’m busy: but I’m here.”

“Okay, so there’s the two girls who must have seen Bart, yacking in front of the Giant Tiger painting. This would be catty-corner to you standing at the intersection of, let’s see, Main and Elizabeth. Bart should be skateboarding by you right this instant.”

“I see nothing.”

“So let’s just swing the camera around and… Charlene? Where’re you going? Come back!”

I finally spot the pink dress wearing punk again just beyond the Rosehaven Yarn Shop, about to walk under the Regent Theatre marquee. But she’s way ahead of where she should be. Where’s she going?

“I see him Baker Bloch!” she suddenly exclaimed as I pull back beside her at Main and York.

Three Beatles were crossing the road in front of me and I knew this was a special, sacred spot.

“And that’s how Bart Smipson travels between Picturetown and NWES City,” I write in a letter later to Hucka Doobie. “Through that alley with the 102 graffiti. He’s indicating how he does it!” I sign my name with love and stick it in an envelope addressed to the White Palace.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0603, Apple's Orchard, Black Ice, Canada/Picturetown, collages 2d, NWES Island^


“This is the scene in Picturetown right when Bart Smipson should have been skating across main street on his way, as it turned out, to the game arcade where he does the big switcheroo and comes out in NWES City, Hucka D. Perhaps he is in front of the white truck here. Dangerous!

“But wait! Looky over there to the left (beyond the chatting girls at the corner who must have seen him skate by). A *single* tiger now where we had two staring before, or at least one eye apiece of two tigers. I know because this is in a collage composed for the last photo-novel. Behold!

“And here’s the full tiger, now whole, of the current scene. I’m not even sure I should be showing this, I don’t know, *time-skip* in the blog.


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0602, Canada/Picturetown

Bart Smipson

He dared to skate right across main street in broad daylight coming back from the Giant Tiger when he spotted it to his right.

“Whoa ho ho. A new arcade! How could I have *missed* this before??” Naturally he pulled in and started checking out the games.

“Pac-Man. Laaame, pheh.”

“But *Doom*, he he. Yeah, this is what we’re talking about. Wait till I tell… wait, what’s the name of my best friend? Millgate. Yeah, that’s it. Wait till I tell Millgate.”

He plays Doom for several hours and becomes so immersed that when he finishes he is in a different world.

“Whooooa. What happened to *Picturetown*??”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0601, Black Ice, Canada/Picturetown, NWES Island^


“A whale can be a thing.”

“A whale can be a *ghost*.”

“Ghost thing!”


So many wanted to get through. Well: seven. I had to control them all, give them *say*, but not overwhelm (me). I wondered where the 7th, the I, was again. I hadn’t thought about it before the meeting much. Put it out of my mind for real, as I *tried* with the 6th. There is no Sunday in week: that sort of thing.

We had to get Carrcassonnee back up and running or Sepisexton would have her run of the place, the 7 and the 6 at once, hiding behind each other, taking turns facing the world. But maybe that’s they way it is suppose to be. In these here photo-novels, 23 in a series of 20.

Olive… Sepisexton. That was a long time ago. What’s black and white or yellow and read all over. Triangle of witches — always works that way. They swallow each other whole again and again until they all blend together, like butter. Better get those flapjacks ready because it’s suppertime. I should go on a walk.

Olive Oylstick gets up, deciding who to take with her. She must get back to Bellisaria soon. Landing on Bellissima, like with all the others present, was a mistake, a variant attractor (or something; I’m not a maths person). The Bellisarian squirrel walked into the Magick Shoppe and I knew what had to be done. It was both a heaven and a hell: an endpoint all the same. Our Second Lyfe ended here, or became First Life I suppose if it is the hell aspect. The whale sings. The Light of Aurelia shines over all.

“We’ve reached a limit, Wendy,” spoke Sandy Beech on that Hammerhead Light dock across the bay from the Shining thing. “The Twins commanded the dress, but if the dress doesn’t fit…”

“It doesn’t,” reinforced Wendy Wilson by his side, who we know now is part of the Breezy archetype.

He turns away from the light and toward her, the dark passenger. “Will you go back to ‘Burger Wars’, then? That simple is it?”

“It’s never that simple.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0505, Ashton Village, Bellisaria, Hana Lei^^, Pickle 02

“first name not needed”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0317, 0400, 0401, Bellisaria, collages 2d

Flock and Feather

“According to my list, you’ve been very naughty this year, Mrs. Claus, very naughty indeed! I don’t know *how* you could have received any kind of present, ho ho ho.”

Mrs. Claus shook the package. Sounded like a belt. Joy!


At the counter in front of the Santa’s Village dollhouses, Jane noticed the absence in Baker’s eyes; figured he was looking around the place again, creating more counterfeit stories. “One question, bub,” she decides to insert. Baker’s eyes became unglazed, focused into hers. “Who’s the Princess of this here fair land? You better say the right one. Or: out on your keister!”

Baker figured he’d be out on his keister soon enough. He wanted a couple of answers beforehand. An attempt. “Yes, of course Selena is the Princess.” Jane’s wild look in her eyes tamed down. He leaned forward a bit. “Hey, I heard you had some kind of Tragically Hip tribute concert in here the other week. I’m not a fan fan, but I always liked that one song of theirs quite a lot; quite haunting.” He decides to say the wrong name for fun. “‘Lions, Tigers, and Bears,’ I think it is called. Or maybe I’m thinking…”

“You’re thinking of the Oz movie,” said Jane sternly, noting the clock on the wall. 15 minutes till closing. Home to the cats again after that, maybe a call from Herman Fisher. The big lug. “Try again.”

“Um, ‘Lions, Tigers, *or* Bears’?”

“For God’s sake, it’s ‘Tiger the Lion,’ just the bestest song ever invented. John Cage would agree!”

“Yes, I recall now.” All art is meaningless. Real Life is the only true art.

“Sooo… you *seem* to have woken up now. Are you *woke*?”

It all depended on Murdoch’s Castle, Baker realized, but he couldn’t ask about it. Not yet. He paid for his drink and left, allowing Jane to start closing up early. Good move. There will be other nights.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0311, Rose Heaven^^

end of Tull? (skating away)

Not here, eh? thinks visiting Wheeler from over at NWES City. He said he’s *always* here, spinning around the place on that oh-so-handy skateboard of his. And I so wanted to thank him for the other day. Oh well… just have to tell the others here that I came by; leave it at that. Maybe next time. I’ll try to message the little fellow.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0209, New Island^, Springfeld