Tag Archives: Sandy Beech^*++++++~$


“Yes can I help you?” she vocalized, not turning toward the visitor, not bringing any energy into her words.


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Filed under **VIRTUAL, Omega^^, 0516, Southern, 0042, Castle Town


Pitch Darkly and especially (of course!) born fisherperson Mary Ball Darkly were so successful on their extended angling vacation that they had to rent a truck to bring the caught loot back home to Aisle of Palms. “Hope you brought your appetite back with you too,” issues Mary while staring at the smelly crates piled 3 high in its bed, knowing they had limited space in the manor’s freezers.

Now to get down to serious issues once more: the Ball situation. They were four weeks late getting back as it was. Too much fun! Couldn’t let it end despite the potential cost. It’s all virtual reality anyway, said Pitch to Mary after their huge haul at Fox Island (alternately Squirrel Island) in Endlessly Antipodal. So it was on to the Amazon Basin and piranhas/electric eels after that to finally get the cold of Walsh County ND out of their bones and blood, and then All Orange to finish up, a virtual fisherperson’s paradise as indicated by Mary’s knowledgeable friend Sandy Beech way way back in the days. Just got around to getting there. Sandy’s never wrong about these things, she knew. Best fry cook in the whole of Great Belt where he comes from, she’s heard from not one but several sources.

“Are you sure this is right, Mary? Fish in a *volcano*?”

“Emm, maybe I got the wrong color in that name. All Green?” she tested, burning through yet another line. “Brown?”

“Let’s go, Mary. Well have to rent a truck to get back our vast haul as is. We have enough.”


“Plus the Ball situation; Baker wanted us back there a month ago.”

“I know I know.” Mary starts packing up the tackle…

… just in the nick of time as it turns out. *Great balls of fire* that was close to where they were standing! And more on the way. Get off that erupting mountain quick guys!

But, as we know, they got home okay, phew. Mary wasted no time in placing a call to so-called expert Sandy Beech.

“All *Blue*,” he erupted back when hearing the color she chose to remember in their by now long ago conversation about the place. “There’s no fish in a volcano!”

But, savant that she is, Mary still caught a couple.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0042, 0512, Big Woods, Great Belt, Hana Lei^^, Jeogeot, Middleton^, Xilted


She couldn’t stop listening to Black Sabbath after the Big Sandy party, even though she was in Donathan in Meat City now. Orders of Wheeler Malone Wilson the mayor, probably in coordination with Dolores the likewise Big Boss of Big Sandy who lived across Big Channel from her somewhere. Go over there (Dolores said over the phone again?) and get some *info*. She said back if so: give me a new black bed, a topline new black computer, keyboard, mouse, speakers, table and we’ll talk about it. Oh, and all the manga I can read, say, One Piece. Heck, all pieces. And some Reese’s Pieces, unlimited supply. And a man, a black man. No, make that any color I don’t care. I’m not prejudice against my own race, nor others. Oh yeah, a bunny — *do* make that black so that I can sit him behind my head to watch over everything. That’ll be the substitute for my dear departed daddy, making sure everyone behaves in front of him and puts on their best behavior, including me. I’ll tell everyone up front: Daddy’s watching, judging. He sees everything.

But eventually she tired of eager Big Sandy team volunteer Sandy Beech (name a chance relationship with his origin point), and One Piece overall, and brought in fellow Big Sandy alum Alice Tart to hang around with. Alice T. was still looking for sisters Wanda and Gloria, and although she understood they most likely weren’t in Meat City or the Omega continent as a whole, she went anyway. After all, they could have Black Sabbath concerts until the wee hours of the morning, cranking up Laura’s super nifty Sony Signature Series SA-Z1 speakers to the max. It was like Ozzie Osbourne lived inside their head, bigger than life itself, 1st or 2nd or any other number. All Osbourne. But first things first when Alice arrived.

“Did you bring Reese’s Pieces? I told (Wheeler? Dolores?) I was out and to send more over. Lots more.” Alice opened her numerous travel bags to reveal only candy within. Laura knew this new roomie situation was going to work out just swell.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0607, Omega^^, Urbane Blue/Fishers Island^

Sandy Too

“No, I wasn’t really gone,” answered still neighbor Sandy to Pink, “I just changed forms. And sexes as you can see.” Now we can *really* get to know each other better, he thinks. The search for All Orange continues…

His spiral eyebrow curls even higher.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0407, Bellisaria, Sandfly

Big Sandy

Her functional neighbor to the west, just over the line in Sandfly, happens to be named Sandy but not for the sim or the attached region. She doesn’t think. We’ll explore that angle sooner than later.

Just to note: there is a village called Sandy FL in Manatee County originally named Stephen. Sandy FL is Sandfly rearranged. Sandy and Stephen sounds like a good name for a *couple* living next door, then. Bonded through history.

Sandy’s is a former fast food restaurant chain taken over by Hardee’s in 1979. Sandy FL is 6 miles below the southeast corner of Hardee County in that state, originally highlighted by towns called Lily being in both Hardee here and also Laurel County KY. Laurel and Hardy, then, another couple, building up the resonance. How far can we go?

Just beyond the western edge of Laurel County KY is a conjunction of Sandy Gap and Acorn, along with Squib that points to Squid. I think we know now what our immediate neighbor to the west looks like.

Now about Stephen…

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0040, 0103, Bellisaria, Sandfly


“Don’t you remember? There should have been 2 explosive fires, larger and smaller, burning downtown before the change of INGO back to pre-film INGSOC. Can’t you recall?”

But Patient 00 Mr. Beech changed as well that day, becoming disambiguated in the resulting Endless Window.


“Right there in the cartoon overlapped with the man,” Hucka D. continued with the Silverton collage analysis in the recently reset up Bogota Gallery on my new-ish Nautilus property, Barry De Boy right by her side as it was these days — changed as well. “Osseo,” she read. “Happy Motoring. Ossemotor.”

“I’ll have to pack first,” I said grumpily, unhappy about the needed travel.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0038, 0111, Jeogeot, Lower Austra^, Nautilus, NWES Island^, Wild West


I had to face the tiger head on.

Wheeler is Charlene is Her Majesty the Bigfoot!

One remained on the jigsaw pieces to our left, because there was only one left. Waiting for the snowman to turn orange again (it always did).

There (Wheeler joins the game).

Harrison just kept on dancing like a fool with his new mates behind the theatre. He was free!

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0604, Canada/Picturetown, collages 2d, Marwood, NWES Island^


“You have wonky eyes.”

“You’re one to talk.”


“6 o’clock?! I’ve got to get back for supper. Butter get those flapjacks on, witches!


“Soup’s up!” Fisher the fry cook called.

“That’s yours, Groover,” Olive Oylstick reminded her dinner companion, wondering where her pancakes were. Damn witches.

“Oh GROOVEY!” Shut up, is all she could think with rumbling stomach.


Picking out a new favorite stuffed animal at the pet shop, one without wonky eyes. She doesn’t want to be reminded! She stares straight at them to keep aligned.


She brought Groover back to wait at the Blue Airfield (in Gray?) for her cousins Zimmy and Mr Z, all three born from another mother. They never showed up. “Just like pancakes,” she groused, looking over at the monster everyone in certain parts of various continents were talking about. Knob Noster, some called it. “You know this means we’ll have to stay in the homeless shelter again, Groovey… Groover.”

“I don’t care,” he said, patting his full stomach again. One meal at a time for him, one meal, one day, one week without a 7th to show up. She could put an end to it; turn him in. But she needs a pillow tonight, apparently. She glances one last time out the window to see if any more ships were flying in. Ghosts again.


“Hey stop reaching. *My* wine. Now get behind me and fall asleep so I can too, pheh.”

“Wonder who the new bozo is over there.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0507, Ashton Village, Bellisaria, Color Sims^, Continent 02, Sansara


“A whale can be a thing.”

“A whale can be a *ghost*.”

“Ghost thing!”


So many wanted to get through. Well: seven. I had to control them all, give them *say*, but not overwhelm (me). I wondered where the 7th, the I, was again. I hadn’t thought about it before the meeting much. Put it out of my mind for real, as I *tried* with the 6th. There is no Sunday in week: that sort of thing.

We had to get Carrcassonnee back up and running or Sepisexton would have her run of the place, the 7 and the 6 at once, hiding behind each other, taking turns facing the world. But maybe that’s they way it is suppose to be. In these here photo-novels, 23 in a series of 20.

Olive… Sepisexton. That was a long time ago. What’s black and white or yellow and read all over. Triangle of witches — always works that way. They swallow each other whole again and again until they all blend together, like butter. Better get those flapjacks ready because it’s suppertime. I should go on a walk.

Olive Oylstick gets up, deciding who to take with her. She must get back to Bellisaria soon. Landing on Bellissima, like with all the others present, was a mistake, a variant attractor (or something; I’m not a maths person). The Bellisarian squirrel walked into the Magick Shoppe and I knew what had to be done. It was both a heaven and a hell: an endpoint all the same. Our Second Lyfe ended here, or became First Life I suppose if it is the hell aspect. The whale sings. The Light of Aurelia shines over all.

“We’ve reached a limit, Wendy,” spoke Sandy Beech on that Hammerhead Light dock across the bay from the Shining thing. “The Twins commanded the dress, but if the dress doesn’t fit…”

“It doesn’t,” reinforced Wendy Wilson by his side, who we know now is part of the Breezy archetype.

He turns away from the light and toward her, the dark passenger. “Will you go back to ‘Burger Wars’, then? That simple is it?”

“It’s never that simple.”

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0505, Ashton Village, Bellisaria, Hana Lei^^, Pickle 02

Magick Shoppe

“Okay, so it looks like the 6th is not going to show up tonight. Let’s start, then.”

TILE Channeler Olive Oylstick looks around the table, making intense eye contact with each one. She puts the 6th out of her mind, and the 7th, the I, she doesn’t even consider. Violet Dawn (6th), I’m sure, had better things to do. NO — no bitterness. She use to request that they all hold hands, but this is modern times and hands are full of germs and viruses. We do not even shake in this era of post-apocalyptic habits. She senses nervousness. “Everyone stop stirring in their seats,” she requests. “Stillness; the spirits are here tonight. I sense them all around.” Olive closes her eyes. Several others do as well, including Charles Brown to her left, estranged brother of Charlene who knows her deepest, darkest secret and foolishly told it to one of his many chicks one night when drunk on Speckled Hen. That’s why he’s here. Wendy Wilson to his left? The Oracle commanded she be present tonight in the Bellissima sim, often mistaken for one on Bellisseria or Bellisaria or whatever the hell it’s called. See? It could happen to me, and it could happen to you. Sandy Chic (3rd stated member; left of Wendy) is no more to blame that any resident of this here world. The 4th is Rabbit M4, appropriately, to the right of Olive to complete tonight’s “circle” and who has a secret life on the continent but, again by mistake perhaps, often ends up here instead. Maybe he just likes Olive — that could be it. We’ve introduced the characters (except Violet). Now let’s get to the plot.

Olive opens her eyes. “All Orange. There’s someone inside you.” She turns to Wendy Wilson who is actually Wheeler. Wendy admits this.

(to be continued)

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0023, 0503, Ashton Village, Bellisaria, Hana Lei^^