Tag Archives: NEW PHYSICS

THIS SIM 01 revisited

He puts back on his investigating shoes as he teleports into the sim. Wall hydrant at the very epicenter, he ponders, pacing back and forth around it.

Redd, just like where he came from, this Alysha “Redd” Fox, who of course he bought dinner for, having almost *killed* her with his 57 Chevy just after he darn near drove it into that levy just minutes before on the border of Dennis and Harwich. He wasn’t drunk — it was just the mechanics of the car combined with the wonky physics of the virtual reality itself. But at least there was bounce, although he couldn’t say more about this for now. Maybe later, when the psychics arrive. Because they would.

Redd would be seen, like a bright, blooming rose. Who’s on first!?


We next find him staring at an octagon shaped trampoline, a combo of 9 and 8 actually, since nine is purple as 8 is orange. But mixed up here.

He investigates remotedly.

Rainbow wheel, with rainbow sphere implied. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 reduced to 1 2 3 4, or red green blue yellow but not necessarily in that order. TILE of course. Clare should know by now. We never found her new hiding spot in the northern mountains of Snowland, though. Maybe he’ll look there next.

More remote viewing here, first…

Oh, he notes that the cars are, in order, red yellow green blue *purple* red on that Ferris wheel, purple then emphasized again seemingly. He’s taking notes in his head. He’ll write them down later. Investigating feet (and eyes) first.

Ah ha. Roses (again). Reinforcement.

Dare he?

Enigma (machine). Orange revealed. 6th. VI.


But he keeps landing at the same spot. Endless loop!

Must be something about VI.

Pretty good, huh, Ruby?

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0031, 0315, Hills of Bill^, Maebaleia/Satori, Virgin Islands

Baker Blinker’s World of Lemon 05

“Where did Karoz come from?” forms an important question early in the story of our Jeogeot days. “Who are his parents?” Obviously Sapphire is his surrogate mother during Karoz’s stay in Noru(m), but with no father figure around, seemingly. There was the mysterious, perhaps ultra-mysterious Peter SoSo who came along later. Chilbo’s direct Lemony double in Crabwoo becomes relevant.

But I’m going to skip to Karoz in Collagesity Winter 2015-2016 for now. We see him first there as shopkeeper for the Bodega Market. He has a gun, and practices target shooting down at Poppie Pond almost directly underneath the store. He lives above the market in a one room apartment — still does. But he was also at least a borderline alcoholic when Baker Bloch first finds out his old 2009 Jeogeot hiking buddy and sidekick has been resurrected. Their friendship continues in Collagesity Noru from back in 2014, but we do not have any photographs of them together there — oh, I believe we have one. Let me dig it up, because I was in that one as well. LINK But it is here in Rubi, as documented in the Collagesity Winter 2015-2016 material, that Baker Bloch’s and Karoz’s joined fate is fully revealed. Karoz was destined to be my partner, my lover. As Blochs is essentially my brother, my twin even, that makes Karoz an eventual brother-in-law. Oops! I seemed to have spilled the beans on my big secret. Yes, Karoz and I are engaged! We’re tentatively looking at a Christmas wedding, since my parents will be in town anyway. Nothing big, mind you, just a celebration wrapped inside another celebration.

So the history of Karoz also becomes part of my history as two streams merge into one. We will figure out things together from now on. I support his evolving theories about TILE and a potential college for the movement. He supports my continued experimenting and tinkering with the wrestling tag team idea, actually a parallel development. Latest on that is the “manufacturing” (or recruitment, if you wish) of a super-wrestler named Wheeler, spawned from Wilson. You see, Dr. Mulholland, as John Lockfry 02 knows now, has essentially left the scene, making The Mulholland Drives project dead in the water. She felt (rightly) threatened by Wheeler, a more powerful athlete. Wheeler stands 5’9″, and weighs about 150 — hope she doesn’t mind me saying that for the blog. Dr. Mulholland is only 5’3″, 5’4″. I myself am a wiry 6’3″, so basically a foot taller than the doctor. Practicing with Wheeler is a better fit for me, and a better matchup physically. The several times we wrestled in ernest, I just beat the pulp out of Mulholland. Wheeler is a greater challenge. And she’s maybe about as smart; turned me on to new physics — quantum computers, strange entanglement, and such. It will be an interesting path.

So back to Karoz and the upcoming wedding. There are plans to get Hucka Doobie intimately involved. I won’t say any more in that department — just drop a hint of what’s to perhaps come. As far as living quarters go, I’m not sure Karoz’s Bodgea market apartment will be suitable for the two of us. My Gloomy Gus is cozy but small. Maybe we’ll have to move away from Collagesity, even. Perhaps the whole extended family will. Nautilus’ BoB remains a strong possibility for a destination. A re-creation of Collagesity, and perhaps the birthplace for our user’s projected Bogota collage series.

David Bowie slash Bogota will come back among us. He already has. We sense his presence. We cannot see him yet as he wanders about the place. He changes things around in the twilight zones. He probably lives in the woods still. He will be found soon.

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Filed under **VIRTUAL, 0002, Jeogeot, Noru^